At this point they are both going to argue that Black is White.
May as well just accept it, they aren't going to listen to any evidence that doesn't support their way of thinking.
You're wasting your time.
I think they've done a way better job than the media that influences you - who without any investigation whatsoever concluded there was no fraud.
Really - do you - Cyber Ninjas?
And you’re basing that on... the fact they produced a report that “sits well” with you?
Who’s paying them? What affiliations do they have?
Scientists are analysing scientific data, such as trying to forecast a temperature change as a multiphase fluid flows down a length of pipe. There's all sorts of ways you can get it wrong because modelling nature is just hard, and there are all sorts of reasons to suspect 99% of academics would just not bother to spend sufficient time upon doing it right.
Cyber Ninjas counted things like "23,000 voters had moved out of state". This is counting, of things, using whole numbers, you don't even need fractions. I can't imagine a single plausible way you can fuck that up. You are the one who is reaching to think that there is some mysterious complexity in this dark art of counting which we're just not aware of, and which allows you to hold on to your laughable silly belief that the fraud was a big lie.
You're showing promise now Stevie.
Ask the same questions when the media narratives are put out without any factual basis and you might actually be able to read the news properly in future.
I'll summarise the problems for you Stevie, I know you haven't read the report. Just the narrative.
None of the various systems related to elections had numbers that would balance and agree with each other.
some cases, these differences were significant.
• There appears to be many 27, 807 ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election.
• Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server.
• Ballot images 284,412 on the EMS were corrupt or missing.
• Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in the database related to the 2020 General
Election had been fully cleared.
• On the ballot side, batches were not always clearly delineated, duplicated ballots were missing the required
serial numbers, originals were duplicated more than once, and the Auditors were never provided Chain-of-
Custody documentation for the ballots for the time-period prior to the ballot’s movement into the Auditors’
care. This all increased the complexity and difficulty in properly auditing the results; and added ambiguity into
the final conclusions.
• Maricopa County failed to follow basic cyber security best practices and guidelines from CISA
Rosco and Dantes on their honeymoon
Dunno, she reminds me of Michaela Strachan.Dantes is quite fit
Let me help you, Michaela Strachan is fit.
The report was led by Doug Logan, a 'cybersecurity expert with no previous elections experience' who embraced Trump voting conspiracies early in the piece. So all votes in Maricopa county were hand counted after the Republicans forced a review. After a hand recount of 2.1 million votes Trump got 261 less votes and Biden an extra 99 votes. Widespread corruption indeed.Where did you copy and paste this from, because I reckon you haven’t read the report either?
Send me a link to the report - I couldn’t find one.
Also... again... are the people behind this report biased in any way? Are they credible? What’s their track record line? Is there any influences on them that may have “directed” their findings?
The things above you mentioned - what of the debunks that suggest they aren’t issues?
The report was led by Doug Logan, a 'cybersecurity expert with no previous elections experience' who embraced Trump voting conspiracies early in the piece. So all votes in Maricopa county were hand counted after the Republicans forced a review. After a hand recount of 2.1 million votes Trump got 261 less votes and Biden an extra 99 votes. Widespread corruption indeed.
This analogy works how?Doc if I borrowed 500 pound from you and have you 450 pound and then 50 quid in monopoly money , would I have repaid my debt ?
This analogy works how?
This analogy works how?
The report was led by Doug Logan, a 'cybersecurity expert with no previous elections experience' who embraced Trump voting conspiracies early in the piece. So all votes in Maricopa county were hand counted after the Republicans forced a review. After a hand recount of 2.1 million votes Trump got 261 less votes and Biden an extra 99 votes. Widespread corruption indeed.
Your eyebrows might be raised even more when you find out who Logan is besties with and who funded the whole investigation.
If Ross has read the report and applied the “critical thinking” he wangs in about, then he’ll have rigorously assessed all the criticisms of the report and be able to stand by the reports accuracy and independence as well as outline why all the criticisms are not valid.
I mean... if he’s just posted it because his favoured “news” outlet says it proves the election was fraudulent - then has he just become the sort of cunt he accuses everyone else of being?
Your eyebrows might be raised even more when you find out who Logan is besties with and who funded the whole investigation.
If Ross has read the report and applied the “critical thinking” he wangs in about, then he’ll have rigorously assessed all the criticisms of the report and be able to stand by the reports accuracy and independence as well as outline why all the criticisms are not valid.
I mean... if he’s just posted it because his favoured “news” outlet says it proves the election was fraudulent - then has he just become the sort of cunt he accuses everyone else of being?
This is the debunking explanation for the missing data. The auditor subpoena'd the server. They had to hand it over on the 3rd of Feb. So the night before, on the 2nd, the election officials backed stuff up to another server, then erased data off the server they handed over. Their explanation is this is just normal practice, it's their fault they didn't subpoena the drive we backed everything up onto the night before, they're dumb, not our problem.
I cannot imagine how stupid you have to be, to not instantly conclude from that without a fucking shadow of a doubt that they were concealing election fraud. Much less believe anything the people who did this tell you afterwards.