No, I actually had to complete your answer for you since you'd still seen fit to condition it with the "if he said it, then" coping mechanism. But you got 90% of the way there, so no big deal. Is Trump a racist? I don't know, nobody has leaked his emails or phone records, I just assume the answer to be yes because it is more probable, and I've always assumed that from day one because the notion that my probabilities could be inaccurate is laughable fantasy.
The difference is you totally rejected the fact Hunter is a racist until it's proven to you with unequivocal evidence, at which point it is too late and we're just settling scores. Likewise you reject Joe Biden is a paedophile, because you want proof, which may or may not come out again when it is too late. You don't know how to make assumptions. Except when it is a weak vague slightest inclination that trump is a racist, and you want to throw away the key like it's a done deal. Laughable levels of bias.
What the actual fuck are you blithering on about now..?
I never said that HB was not a racist. I've never expressed an opinion on it, one way or the other. I've never actually been asked the question before... Yet again, and as predicted, you find a way to just invent something being said or done that simply didn't happen.
Also, I never claimed to be unbiased. But it's ok to be biased against the pure evil that has been trying to take over this country for the past 5 years or so. I voted against evil, not for Biden. So did tens of millions of others. Your steadfast refusal to acknowledge fact this doesn't make it not so.
And finally, waiting for proof of something before making a final decision about something like this is actually what normal, reasonable, intelligent people do. You don't get to label someone a __________ just because you want it to be so, as you are doing with Biden and your sick, relentless Pedophilia bullshit.
But you don't understand that most basic of principals... Because you are unhinged. Completely and utterly unhinged.
Like Farky, a few posts above, every time I bite, and come onto this thread, I instantly hate myself for doing so... I'm out. For good. They say that if you argue with a moron, you've already lost, right..? I lost this one weeks ago, so.
Cheers all - I'm off to bang my head off a wall, repeatedly, until I pass out. It'll be far more enjoyable and productive than this endless buffoonery.