It would have nothing to do with it if your reading comprehension had not failed you when wondering whether Rosco had taken a fall and hit his head.
Let's not worry about this guys other crimes, racism is now the crime above all crimes, any fool knows this, why else would they defund the police and sit back as homicide rates sky rocket, if not for the far greater good of making a stunning and brave political stand against racism? So this dead slaver is a racist, because the evidence shows him being racist a few hundred years ago in the portion of his life covered by his diary. Biden may not be a racist because the evidence doesn't show he is a racist right now at this very moment. See the problem?
Stunning and brave:
You’re doing that thing where you make things up to suit your point of view again.
Shall we unpack.
You’re the one calling “racism the crime above all crimes” - absolutely no-one else on here is. NO-ONE.
“Why would they defund the police”??? Who’s Defunding the police - me? Eh? What are you even talking about you loveable loon.
Apparently, according to Ross... I don’t treat Biden like I treat Slavers - which is a pretty weird thing to say since I don’t ever recall giving an opinion on slavers at any point.
But in any case... yes - I would... because anyone in their right mind would treat slavery a bit differently to a bit of racism.... being that they’re two different things.
Unless they possible had a recent brain injury. Never know with Ross - he might just enjoy making a tit of himself. Everyone else does.
Anyway - now that we’re drawing false equivalency between saying a few racist things and, you know, raping and using severed slave heads as garden gnomes let’s deal with the rest of your drivel - god forbid we curtail anyone’s ability to actually be racist. (Not you - I’m sure you’re an equal opportunities hater of everyone - apart from the Orange god of course).
So your old mate - Thistlewood or whatever his name was - was he racist - probably on the balance of probabilities as he didn’t appear to enslave, rape and kill white people.
Is a a racist right now - no, mostly because he’s been dead for 230 years - so hasn’t been enslaving for a while.
So racist then... dead now!!!! Are we clear?
If he were enslaving, raping and killing exclusively black people - then sure I might have to stick my neck out (which is fine because I’m white, so I won’t be adorning his driveway) and say... yeah... bit of a racist.
What I’d probably not be doing is saying - you know - let’s ignore the raping, etc and charge him with being a nasty racist and let’s defund the police as well - sorry to spoil your fairy tail story.
Now - onto old mate Biden.
Did he say some racist things in the 70’s - sure looks like it. Does that make him a racist- sure looks like it - but hey... it’s not the 70’s anymore - so has Joe Biden changed his view... well.... sure looks like it... so in 2021, I could probably hold the view that, no, Joe Biden isn’t a racist.
So racist then... not dead... but not racist now!!! Are we clear?
He may have said some nasty racist things 40 odd years ago - hopefully you’re not being all snowflakie and woke and demanding he be cancelled or something - although I told you once that it was inevitable you would become that which you most detested - still on track I see.
Of course you’d have to accept that people can change their minds and opinions over time - which I hope you can - because if you can’t and believe the opposite, I hope your parents never told you Santa Claus, the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny existed - because there’s a world of pain ahead for you when you are finally presented with the truth.
If your old mate Thistlewood were miraculously reincarnated and decided to open a vegan bakery and coffee shop for underprivileged black lesbians (and keep little Thistlewood in his pants this time - Thistleunwooded, if you will), I’d probably not call him a racist - because... ch-ch-ch-changes.
I know that doesn’t really fit with your view of the world and all that - but hey-ho... thankfully none of the rest of us have to live in your head.
If you want to build a time machine and go back to the 70’s and call Sleepy Joe a bit of a racist - I could use a trip - so I’m all in.