I don't think anyone laughed at you.I predicted a civil war the moment the supreme court tossed the texas lawsuit. You all laughed at me. Well I have to say, you're not laughing now.
I don't think anyone laughed at you.I predicted a civil war the moment the supreme court tossed the texas lawsuit. You all laughed at me. Well I have to say, you're not laughing now.
The Superman Party?I pick the side of truth and justice
Freedom for all men.. (women can stay enslaved in the patrichal system.)
1 black face? Makes sense.
I don't think anyone laughed at you.
1 black face? Makes sense.
Sounds like antifa
It’s not hard to believe Angeli is a secret climate activist getting paid to impersonate a Trump supporter while inciting violent riots. All you have to do is pretend the signs he’s holding at the protests don’t exist, while also believing that everything Angeli ever said about himself is a lie.
The photo Keleman tweeted of Angeli at a Black Lives Matter rally, for example, cropped out his sign. The full photo shows he was there to express support for Q-anon. Angeli himself has also said he was there as a counter-protester, and is a fervent supporter of Trump and Q-anon.
The sign Angeli brought to the Global Youth Climate Strike in Arizona in 2019 also indicated the reason he was there: to advertise his conspirituality-centered Youtube account. (Conspirituality, writes Jules Evans, the policy director of the Centre for the History of Emotions, is the overlap between conspiracy theory culture and spirituality/wellness culture, which Angeli subscribes to).
I'm not saying I don't think it's possible. I'm just pointing out it's a conspiracy theory so the simpler amongst us can be triggered by the phrase.
I predicted a civil war the moment the supreme court tossed the texas lawsuit. You all laughed at me. Well I have to say, you're not laughing now.
There seems to be a void, within people and within society.
Our world of materialism and consumerism coupled with this aggressive move away from cultural societal (be they right or wrong) norms has helped to create a void.
The void needs filling and with everyone vying to fill the space it's left serious chaos.
Chuck in Corona, west in particular is having to stare its own mortality in the eyes, before rushing off to the supermarket and stocking up on loo roll.
So people are having to cope and figure stuff out. So yeah pick your fighter.
Dante choses the bearded blokes armed to the teeth ready to take their country back from the lying establishment and establish a true America. One for the God fearing man and woman, honest hard-working Americans.
You know that African Americans are allowed to vote these days, don't you?The people in Atlanta that voted for Biden (hahaha stay with me here for the purposes of argument)
You know that African Americans are allowed to vote these days, don't you?
You know that African Americans are allowed to vote these days, don't you?
Speaking of dead people, what did the three people who died during the march die of? The ones who weren't shot?
The only way to settle this is to see how many dead people voted and find out if it's a greater number than those who are unfairly disenfranchised.Dead people are even allowed to vote, so it's probably only fair that the black citizens can too.
Surprising take from Merkel on the Twitter ban:
Smith and Wollensky in the background there charges something like $30 for a bowl of bean soup. It’s not even nice.