Barry Davies ('Look at his face! Just look at his face!') was great. Pity he over-prepared for his big chance at the World Cup Final and blew his chance to be the BBC's number one. I used to like Martin Tyler but he's become a parody of himself, relying on lazy tricks like that horrible shriek when his favourite players score ('Henrrrrrrrrrrrrry!'); he also chatters to Gray incessantly - he needs a spell on his own, just describing a match). The BBC has several competent commentators but no one (apart from the desperately nicknamed 'JP' Jonathan Pearce) who is memorable - which is why the decision on who takes over as numero uno from Motson has been delayed for almost two years now. Jon Champion irritates me immensely - he sounds constantly facetious, as if he's trying to wind up viewers rather than keep them interested, and, like Clive Tiddley, he thinks he's about 1000 times funnier than he actually is. So I'd say Alan green by default. Of all time: the magnificent Peter Jones.
Pundits: Hansen. Graham Taylor is very fair and likeable. I don't mind Lee Dixon.