Not the money, but from what I heard we made very little effort to make him feel wanted when he met with us. Which isn't really surprising, because I don't think Rafa *did* particularly want him, anymore than he did in 2004. I think mixed feelings within the club, plus the fact we didn't have the money for it, basically added up to a half-arsed effort, even if it was understandable. That's bound to affect any feelings of loyalty he might've had towards us a bit.
That's nonsense that Peter. For years and years whilst playing for Liverpool, Owen made it crystal clear his affinities lay elsewhere. Despite being an excellent striker for us the fans simply could not take to the little worm. Whether it was his uber clean cut image or his constant bleating about wanting "to play abroad in the future" or how great playing for England was he never enamored himself with the fans in the way other striking legends have. His worshipping of the white shirt of St George was never going to sit well with Scousers the majority of whom are completely ambivolent the England team. He deliberately ran his contract down in search of that lucrative foreign move and got what he wanted when the club had to sell him for less than half what he was worth at the time. Benitez had no choice and Owen never gave him a chance so you can't lay that one at Rafas door. He showed fuck all loyalty to the club that developed him into the European player of the year. And then, when things went wrong at Real Madrid and he realised their fans didn't know who the fuck he was he tried to engineer a move back to us via his best mate Carragher. Well it was not going to happen.
For me he was just one of the first of a new breed of player whose self interest took priority over everything else. I don't hate him. After all, he was a cracking player for us. I've absolutely no respect for him though and his attention seeking over the years demonstrates a lack if self respect.
He took the devils shilling when he left Liverpool and he had to live with the consequences which was ultimately becoming a comical parody of the player he could have been and the player he mistakenly believes he is. He's a joke but never make the mistake of believing that Owen was anything other than the one who was always doing the manipulating here and it was fucking hilarious when it backfired on him.