I had a kick about with Owen in his mum's garden when he was in our youth team. My mum met his mum at a charity do & they did the whole ladies who lunch bollocks think I was dragged along cos it was the school holidays but can't remember, I may have asked to go.
He swore like a trooper & was saying he had been told he couldn't do that in public & had to maintain a public image in order to be successful.
He was ok tbh, seemed down to earth & just loved playing for the sake of it. Definitely didn't regard football as a business then. Sad, cos he seems to now.
Ergo tevez, rooney, torres etc. The money destroys & replaces their passion for the game, it becomes a business & they become lesser players, to varying degrees.
Perhaps Le tissier, shearer & others maybe did know what they were doing turning down moves.