MODO - whenever I think of Henderson I think of a completely imature boy, who takes a shot on goal and misses wildly and then jumps up and down like the lead singer form Coldplay - but instead of singing he just shouts out 'Fuck Fuck'. When people say on here they have some hope for him and all - I have no idea where they got that hope from based on his performances this season. Even when he played I never actually noticed him on the pitch, and I keep thinking to a match long ago when Vladimir Smicer used to play for us and Alan Green was on the Radio: "Liverpool are playing with 10 men, I just can't count Smicer as a player now, he's doing nothing, whats he doing on the ptich ?". I hear those words of Alan Green whenever Henderson plays.
MORON - The kid has mental issues.
It might be the burden of a big transfer fee or maybe even the expectations.
This kid has gone from being an up comer in a mid level team to a £16 Million - senior international playing for an underachieving top team in one year.
There's more.
He started the season along side Adam, another new player, and Lucas, who only just started to make a name for himself in the team.
In hindsight, I think it was wrong, criminal even to have Henderson start in the team.
Imagine the burden placed on this kid's shoulders when Gerrard is out and there's no other established central midfielder's in the club.
Had Henderson been introduced to a team that already had Gerrard, Alonso and maybe Hamann I bet things would have been a bit different.
It would have been a gradual introduction, he would've possibly had someone to push him and support him on the pitch.
I've gone a bit off topic here maybe, but to answer your question, yes I believe the kid has the ability to make it. I've seen him play for both Sunderland and the U21s. He looks a lot more confident playing with the U21s. I'm not gonna go into detail but he's got the necessary quality to be a good player.