'Let's just move on now'
Err... No, I won't if you don't mind.
I'll wax on for a few paragraphs about the royal cunt if you don't mind. Fernando's unlikely to ever read this, but boy it'll make me feel better.
How d'ya like that one eh? Making a cunt out of yourself, losing respect from not just us - who adored you - but every other right-minded football fan in the World, for what? For a meek, lifeless, display like that at a souless club full of force-fed fans.
I hope it fucking hurts. I hope to see that image of your gormless, stunted grill when Meirless banged in the winner for the rest of my fucking days. Eat it you cunt. The fact, the fucking sureity that he'd run through that game in his head many times before 4pm yesterday knowing full well he'd envisioned and imagined himself walting past some hacker like Martin Skrtel and slotting in the winner. Cos that's what he'd have done, the fucking despicable self-absorbed ME ME ME cunt.
Well you didnt. You lost, and you looked like a fucking cunt. Cos you left behind the greatest club in the world, with the greatest fans in the world, so you could stand on an open-top bus with JT & Lamps holding aloft a trophy you did nothing to earn.
How's that ever going to compensate for that split-second orgasm moment yesterday when Meireles banged in the fucking winner at your hovel of a faux stadium? It never will you cunt. Cos it'll never *mean* the same. Winning with us will mean more than anything you ever do in your fucking glory-obsessed career.
How could you leave support like ours? How could you leave what we've given you? And how could you leave a fucking hero - that you seemingly professed to adore - in Kenny Dalglish? Imagine pretending to know what and who Kenny Dalglish is and then begging to leave so you could play alongside John fucking Terry?
Well we don't need to imagine Fernando, cos we've got you to look and laugh, and point at. You're that type of cunt. You fucking big time loser. Fucking swivel on today you cunt, I hope it cut you to the core, and I hope- Dear fucking God I hope you know deep deep down that you've made a massive mistake because we don't have to invent history and passion, we are it. If you know you've fucked up, then all the better. Cos no amount of money will ever buy that back for you.
You fucking cunt.