Why are English supporters the most pitiful in world football?

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Every tournament, every time. No country in the world has supporters so shameful and despicable. Maybe the Turks I guess, but you're in heady company there. Either way, the rest of the world thinks you're an embarrassment.

Hysterical rubbish, outdated by three decades. One disgusting return to the 1980s, not even confined to England fans, doesn't begin to justify such complete and utter garbage.
Hysterical rubbish, outdated by three decades. One disgusting return to the 1980s, not even confined to England fans, doesn't begin to justify such complete and utter garbage.

Thing is JJ some can't wait to take the moral high ground which is ironic from those coming from places where you get attacked for the religion you practice!

As I said earlier, rushing to judgment is never clever especially given the history of our club.
Ah thats a shame.
I thought Ryan might come in, accept he really jumped the gun and if not apologise perhaps water down his rhetoric.

Its a pity to see that level of xenophobia.
Anyway. Im not coming back to this thread.

Every media channel in the world identifies the English as the victims this last week and yet our neighbours call us an embarrasment.

I think Portly and JJ have called it very well.
The English get involved as its seen as a Badge of Honour by the morons from the like of Russia to claim English victims as the English where once top dogs in Europe.. Its clearly organised, with gum shields, gloves and masks being worn.. The Flare being set off at the Russia game the other night was the signal for the Russian to attack the English..

You have people from Russia and France holding up England flags and Shirts on Social Media to promote that Badge of Honour...

The English are by no means Blamless here, but the way the English have been singled out by our own media is a scandal in its own right..
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A Jewish friend who was recently working briefly in Bulgaria went to a game there and was genuinely shaken by what he saw there - not just hooliganism but incredibly widespread racism, with swastikas commonplace. I'd say that qualifies as worse than the England idiots, if one's compiling a league table, which is a bit tasteless in itself.

What's going on at the Euros resembles, from a distance, a strange attempt at a Fear the Walking Dead homage. It's frustrating that little analysis has come through so far as to why it's happening. The usual socio-economic factors, sure, but the organised nature of much of the violence, seemingly co-ordinated between as well as within several different countries, is the surprise. Tournaments can easily present such phenomena as sudden and isolated when in reality they've been developing for months or even years, but I've not noticed it except, I guess, in the former Eastern Bloc. And it's there that UEFA has had the chance, and good reason, to act, going back years, and its failure to do so, in spite of scandalous incidents there at all levels of football, could well be seen as a contributing factor to what's happening now.
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The English get involved as its seen as a Badge of Honour by the morons from the like of Russia to claim English victims as the English where once top dogs in Europe.. Its clearly organised, with gum shields, gloves and masks being warned.. The Flare being set off at the Russia game the other night was the signal for the Russian to attack the English..

You have people from Russia and France holding up England flags and Shirts on Social Media to promote that Badge of Honour...

The English are by no means Blamless here, but they way the English have been singled out by our own media is a scandal in its own right..

Yeah, to solely blame the English is just wrong and a shame that it has come to that. But its equally wrong to say that its no fault of the English fans. A part of them have obviously behaved in a way that isnt acceptable.
A Jewish friend who was recently working briefly in Bulgaria went to a game there and was genuinely shaken by what he saw there - not just hooliganism but incredibly widespread racism, with swastikas commonplace. I'd say that qualifies as worse than the England idiots, if one's compiling a league table, which is a bit tasteless in itself.

What's going on at the Euros resembles, from a distance, a strange attempt at a Fear the Walking Dead homage. It's frustrating that little analysis has come through so far as to why it's happening. The usual socio-economic factors, sure, but the organised nature of much of the violence, seemingly co-ordinated between as well as within several different countries, is the surprise. Tournaments can easily present such phenomena as sudden and isolated when in reality they've been developing for months or even years, but I've not noticed it except, I guess, in the former Eastern Bloc. And it's there that UEFA has had the chance, and good reason, to act, going back years, and its failure to do so, in spite of scandalous incidents there at all levels of football, could well be seen as a contributing factor to what's happening now.

It's very disturbing for me and I can't quite understand why this has been happening across Eastern Europe. We Eastern Europeans were all brought up on the idea of defeating fascism, which was always presented as the absolute evil. And yet in all these countries – Poland, Russia, my own Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, even Greece – neo-Nazi symbolism has taken over large segments of the football fandom. Some fans actually celebrate Hitler's birthday now...

This has drastically altered the make-up of the fans at the stadiums: the kind of fans that went to see football during the Soviet Union, the so-called "kuzmichi", are distinctly uncomfortable in the new atmosphere and rarely go to games now. Many of them are shocked by these developments and complain that instead of learning something useful, the young people imported the worst trends from the West. But nobody really understands why this has become so widespread, in so many countries at once.
Hansern: no question about that whatsoever, but I haven't come across any such claim. (If anyone has said that, they're obviously wrong.)

One radio reporter has just been saying he was down in Marseille city centre last night. The English fans were loud and rather embarrassing but there was no trouble until a bunch of locals turned up and began baiting them. Even then the police response was fairly low key, because the situation didn't require more than that. It was only when the Russians turned up that things got ugly.
A Jewish friend who was recently working briefly in Bulgaria went to a game there and was genuinely shaken by what he saw there - not just hooliganism but incredibly widespread racism, with swastikas commonplace. I'd say that qualifies as worse than the England idiots, if one's compiling a league table, which is a bit tasteless in itself.

He's been living in a bubble then mate ... This stuff is widespread, and it's not just in footy matches (heck, everyone is aware of the shit happening in Spain with the monkey noises, the Balkan racism etc etc) ... Human being baby ... We're wonderful.
It's very disturbing for me and I can't quite understand why this has been happening across Eastern Europe. We Eastern Europeans were all brought up on the idea of defeating fascism, which was always presented as the absolute evil. And yet in all these countries – Poland, Russia, my own Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, even Greece – neo-Nazi symbolism has taken over large segments of the football fandom. Some fans actually celebrate Hitler's birthday now...

This has drastically altered the make-up of the fans at the stadiums: the kind of fans that went to see football during the Soviet Union, the so-called "kuzmichi", are distinctly uncomfortable in the new atmosphere and rarely go to games now. Many of them are shocked by these developments and complain that instead of learning something useful, the young people imported the worst trends from the West. But nobody really understands why this has become so widespread, in so many countries at once.
You might find this interesting:

He's been living in a bubble then mate ... This stuff is widespread, and it's not just in footy matches (heck, everyone is aware of the shit happening in Spain with the monkey noises, the Balkan racism etc etc) ... Human being baby ... We're wonderful.

Hardly living in a bubble, but he's taught in English academia for years and years. So he knew about trends and incidents, of course, but the shock of actually seeing the full extent of it there and then was the shocking thing. And the sad fact is that you have to search that stuff out in the UK and other countries. It's known about but there's such a muted response in terms of mainstream coverage.
Yeah but Ryan did choose his adjective - 'pitiful'

If the league table is based on who arouses the most pity, the English are at the top. They chant the most pathetic inane bullshit, all look like utter fucking wankers, bellies hanging out of sports direct trackies, and try to provoke the locals with shit songs about how shit it is wherever they are, hide behind weight in numbers like any other bunch of cowards - and then hilariously get their asses handed to them, only to moan about it and pretend they did nothing wrong.

You can argue about who's better at fighting or more fascist or state sponsored all day, but in the pity stakes there is only one winner.
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Hardly living in a bubble, but he's taught in English academia for years and years. So he knew about trends and incidents, of course, but the shock of actually seeing the full extent of it there and then was the shocking thing. And the sad fact is that you have to search that stuff out in the UK and other countries. It's known about but there's such a muted response in terms of mainstream coverage.

I remember the first time I saw swastikas ... It was in Uni (US) and it was definitely a shock, fucked me up to no end ...
It's going to get much worse (for Jews, Muslims etc) and as you say, the mainstream coverage is very muted ... which means it will have to get much much worse for people to wake up.
Yeah but Ryan did choose his adjective - 'pitiful'

If the league table is based on who arouses the most pity, the English are at the top. They chant the most pathetic inane bullshit, all look like utter fucking wankers, bellies hanging out of sports direct trackies, and try to provoke the locals with shit songs about how shit it is wherever they are, hide behind weight in numbers like any other bunch of cowards - and then hilariously get their asses handed to them, only to moan about it and pretend they did nothing wrong.

You can argue about who's better at fighting or more fascist or state sponsored all day, but in the pity stakes there is only one winner.

That's a great post, but again the Neanderthals described above probably account for 20% or less of the English fans over there.

I'm English and want England to do well. I'll be the first to admit we have some fucking joeys in our supporter base but it's not as bad as being made out
“I have got tickets for the semi final but I wouldn't come if it was here."

That guy is making a huge assumption. The venue for the semi final should be the least of his worries.

What's he assuming? And what are his worries except for fearing for his life? Or, is that your point?
Yeah but Ryan did choose his adjective - 'pitiful'

If the league table is based on who arouses the most pity, the English are at the top. They chant the most pathetic inane bullshit, all look like utter fucking wankers, bellies hanging out of sports direct trackies, and try to provoke the locals with shit songs about how shit it is wherever they are, hide behind weight in numbers like any other bunch of cowards - and then hilariously get their asses handed to them, only to moan about it and pretend they did nothing wrong.

You can argue about who's better at fighting or more fascist or state sponsored all day, but in the pity stakes there is only one winner.

Yeah those women and kid's being chased around stadiums by people in balaclavas are pitiful.
The FA have requested that the UN sends in peacekeeping forces so that their fans can retreat safely on Thursday.
27'000 England fans in Marseille
6 arrests......

French Prosecutors lay the blame at Russian gangs.

The incredibly low number of arrests is shocking in itself...... It's almost as if the French police are totally shite at their jobs
I can't think of a more apt adjective frankly. A bunch of middle-aged morons who - if faced with actual people who could hold their fists together, or alone - would get seven shades of shite knocked out of them cos they couldn't knock snow off a rope, ambling around destroying people's property in some show of faux-passion and patriotism? Utterly fucking pitiful.

I can and I did. Every tournament, every time. No country in the world has supporters so shameful and despicable. Maybe the Turks I guess, but you're in heady company there. Either way, the rest of the world thinks you're an embarrassment.

"You're", as in we English are an embarrassment? As opposed to a bunch of minority dickheads on the rampage? Like the Nice fascists, or the Russians who ran at women and children, who were also English? Have a fucking word with yourself.
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