I'm just using it as an example of how it's easy it is to generalise a group based on the actions of a few which has happened several times in this thread. You did yourself unconsciously or consciously with your " you lot" comment . Instantly throwing me into the same group as a bunch of pissed up belters who are an absolute fucking embarrassment but, in the same respect, are not really representative of the majority of people. I'll follow England in tournaments because it's something to do but I don't associate with said bellends and I don't appreciate being associated by others. I'll never attend an England game. I've no real affinity with these type of fans and I'd not enjoy being surrounded by the cunts. I fucking hate all that Brits on the piss bullshit behaviour you see at footy tournaments and when you're abroad on your hols sometimes and, in the latter case, I've seen such behaviour from all British and Irish nationalities at times. Anyway, made up for Norn Iron , great result.
Fair enough but you did kick off the 'you lot' thing. I'm not pretending all Northern Ireland/Ireland fans are angels...like in all walks of life there's always going to be a few bad apples. But from all reports both Northern Ireland and ROI fans have been very well behaved and not seeking aggro of any description. Now I do realise England is much bigger than our little Island so there's likely to be more bad apples in their support...I do get that and I also know the majority of England fans including families with kids etc are decent people following their Country responsibly. However trouble does seem to follow SOME England fans around and whilst a few of you have admitted that I don't think there's any need to be a little touchy and defensive when the subject is brought up.