Liverpool FC principal owner John W. Henry is not a happy man. In a chance meeting with a Liverpool fan in the City centre earlier this, Henry allegedly revealed his dissatisfaction with Kenny Dalglish's British signings, and slammed the team's woeful performance against Fulham on Tuesday night.
Hymy Fisher - a Liverpool fan who does the LFC 'Fanzone' commentary on Sky Sports - was on Liverpool-based radio station 'City Talk' this morning, and during the 'fan Friday' segment, he relayed the story of his impromptu meeting with John Henry.
As you can see, City Talk specifically referenced the Henry story on their Twitter feed this morning.
During the 'Fan Friday' segment, Fisher stated the following live on air:
* He bumped into Henry in Liverpool City Centre earlier in the week. To prove it, he posted a photo on the City talk twitter feed (@CityTalk1059):
* John W Henry asked him: "Have you ever seen a game as bad as the Fulham game last night"
* Fisher admitted that he couldn't remember seeing a worse game.
* Henry responded: "Makes you realise just how much money we've wasted"
* According to Fisher, Henry then went on to talk about the money wasted on British players (though he didn't name names)
* Fisher then defended Dalglish, arguing that he'll get it right if he gets time.
* According to Fisher, John Henry then changed the subject, and went over to meet Hymy's wife and young children.
Initially, I was skeptical about this 'story', so I called City Talk and spoke to one of the Producers, who confirmed that:
* Hymy Fisher was on the show this morning.
* He spoke about his meeting with John Henry live on air.
* He said everything I've detailed above.
I then spoke to the City Radio Newsdesk, and again, they confirmed Fisher's on-air comments, but admitted they were not going to run the story.
So there you go. It appears that John Henry is extremely dissatisfied with the way things are going at Liverpool right now, and so he should be. Tens of millions of pounds have been wasted on the wrong players, and the Fulham game the other night was epitomised the club's atrocious league season.
It's good to see that the Owner of the club does not have his head buried in the sand. Henry's apparent frustration comes as no surprise to me though; as I argued a few weeks ago, he can be unforgiving when it comes to failing managers:
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