Welcome Jurgen

I was born in Toxteth, also scouse. Lost the accent though!

Wonder what the old deutsch would sound like with a Scouse twang to it. 😉 I've never really had the accent TBH, as we left the city when I was still a youngster and I've only ever been back for the footy since. Was born in Oxford Street Maternity Hospital but we did live in Toxteth. I worked in Germany during a year out before doing a degree in French and German, all of which was (as many on here will have guessed) a looong time ago - I'll see your 35 years and raise you 42. 🙂

Alles gute.
I'd just like to say that while I respect your opinion, I very much like watching people losing their shit with each other over little silly disagreements and I'd rather that continued.

Ha, me too. I'd rather some new spats though.

I saw someone suggesting posters using pm's to resolve disputes. FUCK THAT.
I suspect Hodgson's appointment was one of those things like buying Carroll or Stewart Downing.

It's so incredibly risky and out of this world that you think "Damn, if this works, everyone will know my genius. I'm the only one that thought of it!". Of course, your big fat ego doesn't stop to think why you are the only one.....
Also, Red Ninja is getting a lot of shit, but it's worth remembering that if everyone was like Mark we'd still have Rodgers in charge today.

Nah, Mark wanted Klopp id say. It'a no brainer trade up.
It pretty much our last chance saloon.. It has to work.. But you couldn't ask for anyone better to manage the club, could you ??

I dunno ... I had other potential managers in mind, whom I think would offer us long term stability. Klopp seems to be a great manager, and says all the right things ... However, I think he's gone in 3-5 years (even if he succeeds like crazy).
3-5 years would have him as the second longest serving manager in the league right now. If he's still here then it means he was the right choice
I love that he's talking about in four years time when his contract is only for three. He tends to stay a while if he's happy.
I love that he's talking about in four years time when his contract is only for three. He tends to stay a while if he's happy.

Yes, Klopp is a loyal person by nature. He stayed for 7 years in Mainz and again 7 years in Dortmund. If he's happy here, I recon he will have no problem staying here for a similar length of time.
Arghhhhh - I had to miss the whole presser thing. I take it he made he a good impression then?
I'd just like to say that while I respect your opinion, I very much like watching people losing their shit with each other over little silly disagreements and I'd rather that continued.
I love a good scrap - As long as it's not boring, repetitive and tedious. I find the ones that involves threats of rimming to be the most fun 😉
Fair play to him for shooting down the cunts with fucking noisy cameras clicking away whilst questions were still being given.

I can't help but be excited by the man , he's got an aura and charm about and just oozes class.

I assumed the 3 year contract would've been his idea or mutual at least but from his chat of the title in the next 4 years I'm assuming it was an FSG thing?
I just watched his conference.

Lets completely take away from the football and just say what a great man he is.

Humble, calm, charming, charismatic down to earth, funny!

It's honestly a complete breath of fresh air.
Q. Are you ready for the expectations?
Twenty-five years is a long time [without winning the league]. All the people have tried to get better and take the title. History is the base for us. It’s not allowed to take the history in the backpack. You have to come in our race. I want to see the first step next week but not always compare with other times.
This is a great club with great potential. We have strong, fast players with flair. Let’s start a new way. This is the perfect moment. I don’t know everything but I am a good listener. I will go to Melwood and see what works and what doesn’t.
It’s a good moment now. Not all the players are there and then we will start. We will try to play very emotional football. All the world is talking about ball possession, but we have to have a plan for when we have the ball and when we don’t. It’s time to restart.

Q. What attracted you to Liverpool?
Sorry for my English! Usually I am on holiday. Since a few days I am back in the race. It’s the biggest honour to be at one of the biggest clubs in this world and the opportunity to try and help the situation. It’s not the perfect moment but it’s a good moment to come. I feel really proud.
I'm looking forward to the intensity of football and how the people live football in Liverpool. It’s a special club. I had two special clubs and this role is the perfect next step for me to try to help.

Q. What are your aims?
This is one of the biggest problems in Liverpool. The Premier League is one of the most difficult in the world. There's five, six or seven clubs that can be the champions. Only one can win and all the others are disappointed and live in the middle of disaster.
The most important for the development is the start. This is a good moment to restart. It’s not important now who is the winners of the Premier League. We play our own game and it's important the players feel the confidence and trust of the people.
They have to think they can reach the expectations of the fans and the press. If someone wants to help they have to change from doubter to believer. We have to change our performance because no one is satisfied at the moment. If you want to enjoy the game you have to be prepared. You want to see fighting spirit, many sprints, many shots, and the result is the result of these things.

Q. Will you have control over signings?
It’s a crazy discussion. It was not a problem for 10 seconds. I’m not an idiot. It’s enough that I have the first and the last word - in the middle we can discuss. We want to discuss good players on the highest level. I’m not a genius. I need other people to get the perfect information. When we have this we will decide to sign or sell a player.

Q. When you came here for a pre-season game did you think you would be manager?
I’m not a dreamer but I’m a romantic. I love the stories and Anfield is one of the best places in the football world. It was my first time and I thought about how it would be. Now I’m here. I’m a lucky guy and really looking forward to the first match. I am prepared. I had four months holiday and am in the best shape.

Q. How do you describe yourself?
Does anyone in this room think that I can do wonders? I’m a normal guy from the Black Forest. My mother is very proud. I am the normal one. I was a very average player and became a trainer in Germany with a special club. I had a great job to manage Dortmund for seven years and it was the best for us to leave. I hope to enjoy my work. Everyone has told me about the British press. It’s up to you to tell me they are all liars!

Q. What style of football can we expect?
I’m not here to talk too much about the football. I want to talk to the team first. Everyone knows me. It’s emotion, speed. It’s a transition game so you will see this. All the things that make football interesting I want to see.
We have to make points and win games. I don’t want to promise a style of football. I promised full-throttle football in Dortmund. It would be really nice if there’s no photos in the hotel. It would be nice if we concentrate on football from 11am onwards.

Q. How did you spend your holiday?
I had a normal holiday. I’m 48 and most of the time in my life I had no money. The next day I had no time! It was really cool. I was with the family and played a lot of tennis. Everything was ok. Now I’m here I’m relaxed and fine.
The last thing I said when I left Dortmund was I would see what happens. If someone called me then I would speak - and that’s what we did. We had a good feeling. They are cool guys so we had a good meeting and it was ok. It was clear to stop making holiday and then start to work.

Q. Is it a surreal feeling?
It’s surreal. I woke up this morning and I was manager of Liverpool FC. I don’t care about things like press. I’m a normal football manager and I want to be on the pitch. That’s similar all over the world. I am prepared for this because of my experiences. It’s absolutely crazy what happened here.
It’s not important what people said when you come in, but what they say when you leave. If we want this could be a special day. We can start in a very difficult league and in a special Liverpool way we can be successful. If we sit here in four years I think we win a title, I’m pretty sure. If not, maybe Switzerland!

Q. Are there similarities between Dortmund and Liverpool?
It's impossible to compare two clubs. It's a similar situation, nobody is happy with the position in the table. But there's no pre-season and some matches have already been played. It’s not important what we did in Dortmund. What we have to do is improve, to work for a common idea of play. The same thing we will do here.
The players are better in some cases and younger in some cases. I believe in the potential of this team. There are four or five strikers I can work with, experienced defenders, the goalkeeper is really good. You can be as good as you want but you have no control over the other team. If they are really good you have to bring them to your level. On your level you can kill any team.

Q. How do you see yourself fitting in to Liverpool's history?
I don’t compare myself with these geniuses within the history of Liverpool. It’s cool that you are looking forward to the work for the next few months and years. None of these managers said they wanted to be a legend when they arrived. This is a great club because of many good decisions in the past.
What about the bit where he says "FSG (John, Tom and Michael) were great and it was an obvious fit.

And Ian was there too. "

Ayre has got to get the boot next. He's such a whopper and jurgen figured it out in minutes.
the not very german german?

Naja, die Deutschen sind ja nicht alle immer so, wie ihr euch das vorstellt.

Manche können auch ganz humorvoll sein. Jürgen ist ganz bestimmt einer davon.

(Für viele trifft es dann aber schon zu).
warum kannst du so gut deutsch? ich wird versuchen mitzuhalten, aber denk bitte dran, ich wohne erst seit 35 jahre in deutschland.!

Deutsch ist meine Muttersprache.

Daher sollte ich schon ein bisschen was können...

Deines scheint aber auch ziemlich gut zu sein!
Ha ha! I just watched the whole presser on youtube. That was fucking fantastic! I'm so massively happy he's here. I've not been this stupidly excited about LFC since the day God returned! Cricket might have to take a back seat for awhile!
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