Acc to the-paper-that-shall-not-be-named, we are interested in Dortmund's Jacob Bruun Larsen, 20, alongside rivals Arsenal and United. We have followed him for years, it states, which kinda makes sense as he arrived in Germany about the time we got Klopp from Dortmund.
Definitely one of the few Danes I believe could be qualified for a move to Liverpool at this stage where we should only be in for top class talents.
He is still raw despite playing most of Dortmund's Bundesliga games last season and still got a lot to learn. But in terms of wingers, they just don't come more direct, opportunistic, goal-seeking and blistering fast than this lad. Whereas Sancho is the one drawing the most attention in Dortmunds team, and often rightly so, Bruun Larsen is not far off in terms of talent.
One of his main attributes I believe is his mentality. He seems to handle pressure extremely well, teammates describes him as football-wise beyond his years and he's got that eagerness to win you can not underestimate.
Now and then he does remind me of Cristiano Ronaldo, the footballer. Big, fast, agile, strong goal-seeking winger, with a wide range of skills and that drive to be number one. Not saying he'll end up even near Cristiano's level but the foundation is solid.
I would for egoistical reasons love to see him florish under Klopp's guidance and I even do believe he'd be an almost perfect back-up/understudy for Mane and Salah, ready to make an impact from the off.