Transfer funds

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Arsenal and Tottenham's budget due to stadium costs and development has been near zero. The development of our stadium will surely hit any transfer budget despite the increased revenues for years to come? I doubt there will be any new additions to the first team this winter and come summer time I think we'll have to sell to buy. FSG are a business and will want to see a return on their investment.
They're seeing a large increase in revenue from TV money. I also think they're monetizing more or less anything c.f Klopp's 'normal one' soundbite etc, revenue from overseas tours and so on.

I don't think money is so much the problem as trying to secure better deals for better players.
They're seeing a large increase in revenue from TV money. I also think they're monetizing more or less anything c.f Klopp's 'normal one' soundbite etc, revenue from overseas tours and so on.

I don't think money is so much the problem as trying to secure better deals for better players.
I think money is an issue as we have a huge debt but we've bought in a manager who has insinuated that he doesn't need large amount of cash.
The "proven" signings have all gone to shit so far, I would imagine FSG would tighten the purse strings a little.
Klopp wouldn't have come if there weren't going to be adequate transfer funds. The question of what's adequate will the subject of some horse-trading, because it always is at any club, but there'll be money for Klopp's top priorities.
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