Late on the scene n all, but I can’t let it go.
Dorgba is the biggest MEMEMEMEMEMEME cunt in all of football. Could he have made that fucking charade on Saturday anymore about himself? What a preening, star-gazing cunt he really is.
I actually didn’t mind Chelsea winning it. Sure they’re all cunts, but Bayern equalled them on that front with Robben and Ribery upping the cuntswab factor to maximum levels. Lampard, Cole and Cech sorta deserve that trophy anyway. The former pair were fucking outstanding on the night two. I know everyone loved cole’s performance down the left but I thought Lampard was the best player on the pitch. How much running does that cunt do? Seriously impressive performance.
But enough of that. Drogba.
I wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d whipped his lad out and beat one out at one stage. Great goal, ballsy goal. I’ll give him that. But his big massive MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE celebration was pure cuntery. He didn’t touch the ball for 10 minutes afterwards due to alternating between staring at the mirrors in his boots or pointing at Lampard’s ma in the sky. His free-kick that could have won it was bollocks, and then he fortunately became the first player ever to score a penalty. And don’t for one second think that he wasn’t 5th on the list of takers for no reason either.
Then that fucking galling run down the pitch (alone) resulting in him throwing the shirt down in front of the supporters (alone) followed up with a stand and acclaim my greatness (alone) please supporters.
Megacunt. On every fucking level.