The Blade Runner Trial

I remember him calling the dude next to him a cheat when he got beat in a paralympics final. He was saying his blades were longer than they ever had been and he must have cheated, moaning like a bitch. I'd never heard such a sore loser at a track event, it was really shocking, remember thinking 'that cunt is a cunt and a half'
I guess his cuntyness was ignoring the syringes, testosterone and roids found at his house. A few extra mm's or loads of drugs, hmm
The way things are going for Oscar I think he'll lose the spring in his step when it comes to the verdict.

Only his celebrity can save him now.
The prosecution is laying waste to his version of events, devastating his defence - time for a plea bargain for monday maybe - he really hasn't got a leg to stand on
Roux's attempt to discredit the photo of the jeans on the bed made me laugh out loud.

The jeans are clearly on the bed in the photo.

He said "we don't know for a fact that the jeans were on the bed, the photo may just make it appear that way".. Yes, of course, they could have been suspended in midair a few millimetres above the bed.

That was after the prosecution practically laughed at Oscar's attempt to claim the police moved loads of stuff before the photo's were taken.
I've been having great Oscar Reeva sex games where my bird legs it screaming to the bog and I chase after her on my knees and empty my full clip through a gloryhole.

They can't speak with their mouths full! Of bullets and bits of cranium and brain and door.
To explain why two witnesses both said he fired his gun out of the sunroof, he said they were both lying. Then he claimed they had spoken and colluded before their testimonies.

Barrister: How do you know this?
Oscar: Someone told me the other week.
Barrister: Who told you?
Oscar: *pause*.... I don't recall m'lady

The barrister and the public gallery all burst out laughing. Then all got told off by the judge lool
Surely there were signs this fella was possibly capable of this kind of thing. I'll never understand how Someone can take the life of another like that
Surely there were signs this fella was possibly capable of this kind of thing. I'll never understand how Someone can take the life of another like that

He is pretty gun obsessed. The other day the barrister asked him if he had ever heard of the word 'zombie stopper'. He lied as usual and said he didn't know that word. The barrister then showed him a video of him at a shooting range firing some disgustingly brutal looking weapon at a water melon. After doing so his mates laughed, and he called it a zombie stopper and compared the melon exploding to a human brain.
another question for the legal eagles here . In the uk would they allow the line of questioning that they do in south Africa ? It seems to me the prosecution is just trying to mentally break him into admitting he killed her on purpose . not that i mind too much
another question for the legal eagles here . In the uk would they allow the line of questioning that they do in south Africa ? It seems to me the prosecution is just trying to mentally break him into admitting he killed her on purpose . not that i mind too much

You have a point. One of the obstacles I had to get over in order to get a Right of Audience in the High Court is the harm that can be done by an angry layperson cross-examining vulnerable witnesses. Apparently we could carelessly cause harm/abuse a witness and the UK courts seek to protect against that by only granting Rights of Audience to qualified barristers. I had to go to great lengths to overcome that problem.

Watching Mr Nel at work I was thinking you have to be fucking kidding me, the UK courts are as big of a pussy as Pistorius.
Wow. Roger Dixon thought he was a scientist. Mr Nel ruined him and his career. What an utterly pityful expert witness, it was cringeworthy. He left his notes on his computer at home.... Fuck me. Oscar Pistorius is looking at a lethal injection here
This is turning into an awesome spectacle. His barrister was out of options having made a complete fuck up of his case and his client facing life imprisonment. So last week, with the trial drawing to a close, he pays a psychiatrist to interview the douche a couple of times and diagnose him with generalised anxiety disorder.

Then he calls the bitch to give evidence at a moments notice, hands the medical report to the state as she is taking the stand, and tries to plead insanity in effect, as a mitigating circumstance to reduce the sentence. The state would be caught off guard, not be able to refute the medical evidence and it wipes a decade of his sentence. Quite sneaky.

Unfortunately, the state barrister had already played this same trick himself back in 1992, where it backfired and the opposition used it to get the accused sectioned for a month to be "evaluated" / electric shock treatment. The said barrister stands up, thinks back to how he got fucked, and without notice reels off all the legislation and case law which compels the court to have to section Pistorius. He was sat there shitting his pants. I almost feel sorry for him, his barrister has there are no words.

So the blade runner is now off to the local mental health institute for a month loooool. The state barrister has come out of this looking like a complete boss that can't be fucked with.
Seems an odd one to do "monitoring" of as he might have developed all sorts of mental disorders since this event. So what if he has anxiety now - he's a global celebrity facing life in prison for murdering his girlfriend. Of course he is anxious! This wouldn't prove whether he was suffering with it at the time though?
Oh dear. Showering in his stumps. He'll be the right height for some of the other inmates...
If you ask me, the clever money to be invested in South Africa these days is in grapefruit.
whaagurghwhaagurghwhagurghwhaagurghwhaagurghwhagurgh, sorry, what were you whaagurghwhaagurghwhagurgh saying? im in the middle of whaagurghwhaagurghwhagurghwhaagurghwhaagurghwhagurgh watching, err, iPlayer....
Seems an odd one to do "monitoring" of as he might have developed all sorts of mental disorders since this event. So what if he has anxiety now - he's a global celebrity facing life in prison for murdering his girlfriend. Of course he is anxious! This wouldn't prove whether he was suffering with it at the time though?

The diagnosis was based upon a couple of hours interviewing him about his life. So the answers he gave in the interview were the reason the psychiatrist made her report, saying it was a long-standing disorder.

Now he's going to be observed and tested 24 hours for 30 days. If he manages to fake it again then you have to take your hat off to him. However, judging from the way his counsel reacted, he is fearing the worst. Either they will see through his act and diagnose him with nothing, or else he'll give such stupid answers/behaviour as he did in his court testimony that they'll diagnosed him as a dangerous and psychotic monster who should never be allowed back into society.
jesus christ ...judge speaks for 5mins then takes a break , then lunch then a few more mins and calls it a day. fucking useless .
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