Barrister: I put it to you, that you heard the sound of a cricket bat hitting the door
Witness: Uh, I don't know how the bat was handled, but if we assume it was swung like an axe, it takes more time to swing, lift, reset, and swing again than the time between the rapid succession of gunshots I heard
Barrister: You have never heard the sound of gunshots from indoors, to another house 170m away.
Witness: I was outside on my balcony when I heard the shots. I was also wide awake and my senses were in a heightened state. So I am confident that I definitely heard gunshots.
Barrister: Yes. In your statement you said "I did not count the number of shots, there were 4 or 5. Is this a reflection of your acute and heightened senses?
Witness *fuck me dude really*: My lady, can I just ask which of the senses we use to count? I don't use my senses of touch, smell, sight or hearing when I'm counting.
There follows a period of silence as the barrister is shuffling through papers then changes the subject