This is turning into an awesome spectacle. His barrister was out of options having made a complete fuck up of his case and his client facing life imprisonment. So last week, with the trial drawing to a close, he pays a psychiatrist to interview the douche a couple of times and diagnose him with generalised anxiety disorder.
Then he calls the bitch to give evidence at a moments notice, hands the medical report to the state as she is taking the stand, and tries to plead insanity in effect, as a mitigating circumstance to reduce the sentence. The state would be caught off guard, not be able to refute the medical evidence and it wipes a decade of his sentence. Quite sneaky.
Unfortunately, the state barrister had already played this same trick himself back in 1992, where it backfired and the opposition used it to get the accused sectioned for a month to be "evaluated" / electric shock treatment. The said barrister stands up, thinks back to how he got fucked, and without notice reels off all the legislation and case law which compels the court to have to section Pistorius. He was sat there shitting his pants. I almost feel sorry for him, his barrister has there are no words.
So the blade runner is now off to the local mental health institute for a month loooool. The state barrister has come out of this looking like a complete boss that can't be fucked with.