[quote author=foureyes link=topic=24077.msg590018#msg590018 date=1212762258]
[quote author=jexykrodic link=topic=24077.msg589963#msg589963 date=1212758489]
[quote author=Anita link=topic=24077.msg589744#msg589744 date=1212746658]
[quote author=Hardcastle link=topic=24077.msg589734#msg589734 date=1212746368]
ER, but it's natural Anita, look around you. Im not saying it's right, nor did I defend it like you said, but literally within any species/race whever they are, you'll see it.
If you weren't the minority, you wouldn't encounter this racial descrimination and whatever that you mentioned earlier in this thread and if you were the majority you wouldn't come across as half as emotionally charged on this subject as you do as a Minority in the UK. No doubt, your a good person and you'd still have strong values on the matter....
Apologies if my initial post was brash HC. But the two points I was trying to make were:
* If something is wrong, I don't think I should accept it. Even if the majority of people are going to persist with it anyway, I still find the need to challenge it. Of 100 people, you might make 1 person think twice: that's still something IMO.
* The last bit of your post. Even if the ignorance is not aimed at me, it's the act of ignorance in itself that would upset me. In all Black/Asian company, I have challenged racism towards white people with the exact same commitment.
I think you're naive.
If you think that your inability to accept prejudice will make the blindest bit of difference you're deluded.
It's human nature to point out differences between race, creed or culture. Just look at the sub-continent for a history lesson.
There are times when you have to go along to get along. A less thin skinned, more humorous outlook would help.
Being indulged by pseudo-intellectual liberals doesn't mean you can have any expectation (and even less rights) to complain and expect results, especially from less sensitive, less educated members of society, of whom there are million in the UK and multi-millions elsewhere.
If you want to make change, use the law. If you want to spend less time being offended, get a sense of humour.
what a crock of shit. So basically, put up and shut up and laugh along with it. Get real.
i have laugh and a joke with other posters on this site about my colour as do others, but when its aimed as an insult as some others have since agreed, i have a right to take offence. Its attitudes like yours that give folks a reason to feel they can get away with racist remarks and blame people who are offended by it for being too sensitive. Fuk that.
i will gladly laugh and joke about my colour, but when its fired at me in a negative way, no way will i take that. Regardless of what any of you say.
I abhor racism but I learned from an early age that it is ingrained in society and no amount of preaching or 'enlightenment' as Anita puts it will change the views of someone who has grown up with deep-rooted prejudices. Essentially, we are all a product of what has gone before us. It's not just racism either, but lots of things. My dad was (and is) an acutely racist man. Fortuately, I grew up with my mum and only saw my dad a couple of times a year otherwise I'd likely be replicating his views now. Watching my brother constantly arguing with my dad as to the error of his ways was a sad reminder that these views cannot be wiped out with a brief lecture on morals or ethics. He'd been brought up that way. It wasn't his fault. As with many racist people, he didn't even realise he was. It's simply poor education and social conditioning. It was a sad truth but once I accepted it bothered me a lot less.
These days I am never offended by something someone who I care nothing for has said to me. The only people who can hurt me are those that I care for. It is on this basis that I respectfully appreciate your right to be offended but must question why the fuck it bothers you so much? Why spend so much time whinging about something (or someone) you can't change, particularly when that person is generally considered a tool anyway?
It strikes me as a whole lot of wasted effort.