Marcotti: "To be brutally honest, this makes absolutely no sense to me to sell him at this price (16m). " #LFC #Balotelli
Marcotti: "If that's the number, it's an absolute steal for #LFC" #Balotelli #LFC
Marcotti: "The risk/reward situation is just tremendous for #LFC. It's a colosal screw up by Milan. Many Milan fans are angry about this"
Marcotti - "If #Balotelli just stays at this level, the fee is a success for #LFC. If he goes beyond, then you've hit the jackpot"
Marcotti: "He is 24 years old, and this factors in to #LFC's thinking. Another aspect, Balotelli in terms of endorsements, he's growing"
Marcotti - "If you're looking at global superstars at #LFC, once you get beyond #Gerrard, and #Sterling very soon, #Balotelli helps that"
Marcotti: "#LFC/#Rodgers know everything they need to know about him.Rodgers would feel he could handle #Balotelli better than anyone else"
Yeah but the yin to that^^^^ yang is that Dreamy didn't like him against Costa Rica, cos he was at the game. A game that we all saw too.
Tough one.