Agree with gkmacca
Also hate the word "fresher". I remember, back in the heady days of October 1984, getting on the 80 bus on Rose Lane to go into town with a crowd of first years, and one, particularly horribly posh accented girl, stated loudly to the driver "Don't mind us - we're all freshers!", I couldn't detach myself form her & her mates and sit at the opposite end of the bus quickly enough, trying to pretend to the shell suited scowling scalls from Garston that I really wasn't with them.
Also hate the word "fresher". I remember, back in the heady days of October 1984, getting on the 80 bus on Rose Lane to go into town with a crowd of first years, and one, particularly horribly posh accented girl, stated loudly to the driver "Don't mind us - we're all freshers!", I couldn't detach myself form her & her mates and sit at the opposite end of the bus quickly enough, trying to pretend to the shell suited scowling scalls from Garston that I really wasn't with them.