I can't believe this thread even exists.
The thought of Rafa is growing on people...
Rosco is ready to go to postal on this board.
It's not growing on me. He's had his chance IMO but you do have to take into consideration the constraints he had as well. He is preferable to Martinez, Lambert etc.. In my mind and it was a huge mistake to sack him for that doddering twat Hodgson. No-one can doubt his love for the club and city though. Mate of mine spoke to him a few months back and he was adamant he would manage us again one day
I'm not sure he would consider anything he does a mstake
Pretty much what I'm thinking. He's not my favourite option either but like you said I'd rather have Rafa than Rodgers, Martinerz and Lambert.
I'm not sure he would consider anything he does a mstake
Doc - I can't believe you want him back. If we have good owners (it's tough to tell right now, but I'm still hopeful despite the horrible stuff they've done with the BoSox since the two world series win), how on earth do you want Rafa to be involved with the project? He's not had it smooth with any owner since his days with valencia because ... of .... not enough control (he won't have it if we bring the ex-Barca lad) and money (doesn't seem like we have a lot). This, I think, would be a bigger risk than Martinez.
Why?The sad thing is when you have the likes of Brendan Rodgers turnin you down the reality is that Rafa is probably the best out of the realistic options we have
The sad thing is when you have the likes of Brendan Rodgers turnin you down the reality is that Rafa is probably the best out of the realistic options we have
You know my thoughts on this. Look at my previous posts. Rafa with strong and charismatic DOF. Rafa is one of the top coaches in the world. End of. In a structure where his role is made clear. I think Rafa knows he has made errors, and I'm sure he's aware of his rep, and that he can't afford to be tarred with that brush again. He isn't stupid.
Look I really like Rafa, I really do I think he's a genuine man. I'm just unsure about he's the right man. If its a toss up between him or Martinez/Lambert type then Rafa wins hands down. If it were a Mourinho, Klopp or Van Gaal type I'd take one of them.
Look I really like Rafa, I really do I think he's a genuine man. I'm just unsure about he's the right man. If its a toss up between him or Martinez/Lambert type then Rafa wins hands down. If it were a Mourinho, Klopp or Van Gaal type I'd take one of them.
Isn't it a huge risk to assume he'll be able to 'deal' with a strong and charismatic DOF? He may not be stupid, but he repeated the errors with Valencia with Inter, and cost himself a job with the best team in Italy and Europe. In 6 months, he caused enough damage to take away all that Mourinho had built. Is the risk worth it? I'm really really skeptical.
"I want Kenny fired" ... oh but I want him to stay.
"Rafa needs to be hired" ...oh but he's not my favorite option.
Make up yer mind kid ... It's ok to be on one side, or the other.
Would Rafa be happy just as a coach?
Would Rafa improve the likes of Carroll, Shelvey and Henderson?
Would Rafa get Adam, Downing and Enrique to play at a good enough level consistently?
Would Rafa be able to bring through the youth players such as Sterling and Suso?
I like Rafa too but I'm not too sure he can do the above. Whoever we get in needs to be able to do the above. I thought Kenny would have managed it but he struggled.
I'm not as convinced as you doc. Not by any stretch.
Rafa is a much smaller risk than Martinez. He won't make the same mistake again. I think the time he has been forced to spend out of the game has been a humbling experience for him. I really believe that.
Would Rafa be happy just as a coach?
Would Rafa improve the likes of Carroll, Shelvey and Henderson?
Would Rafa get Adam, Downing and Enrique to play at a good enough level consistently?
Would Rafa be able to bring through the youth players such as Sterling and Suso?
I like Rafa too but I'm not too sure he can do the above. Whoever we get in needs to be able to do the above. I thought Kenny would have managed it but he struggled.
I don't expect everyone to be. Rafa was divisive, no doubt; I think with the structures the yanks are putting in place we might be able to tap the very best of Rafa. Maybe! Better bet than most of the other candidates, by fucking miles.