Null and void till August.
Has there been a footy player who's actually felt ill with it yet? Loads of them seem to get it, disappear for a fortnight and come back brand new. When the American footy players were getting it in the first wave loads of them were fucked. Must be a fitness / size thing
Hmmm.... some American football players could possibly be described as overweight/obese so perhaps fitness/size thing is the cause.Has there been a footy player who's actually felt ill with it yet? Loads of them seem to get it, disappear for a fortnight and come back brand new. When the American footy players were getting it in the first wave loads of them were fucked. Must be a fitness / size thing
Very virtuous of you. And if I tell you that the lockdowns caused a friend's business to close and he committed suicide after losing everything? So compassionate.
And that a kid in my son's class got beat up by their now jobless father while he was home drinking and their school was closed? So compassionate.
And that the kids who get their meals at school are going hungry because the school is closed because the teachers are scared of the Rona? So compassionate.
And that my neighbor's sick elderly mother died, utterly alone and afraid? So compassionate.
And that my co-worker's daughter started cutting because she is so terrified that she is going to get the Rona and die? So compassionate.
Pardon me while I question your superior empathy. Stop swallowing the "save just one life" line while ignoring the vast and terrible effects this is having in many of the 99% who will survive this virus.
Made my day, right there.
It is amazing how the right wing have suddenly latched onto mental health in the last 6 months. My neighbour is the same - a leading member of the Irish Freedom Party (previously known as the IREXIT party), now banging on about the impact of restrictions on people's mental health; then speaking to an anti-mask rally in Dublin about the proud tradition the Irish have of fighting freedom, trying to compare his stand against wearing a mask with those who fought against imperialism ... conveniently ignoring the fact that Larkin, Connolly & others were Marxists, a political tradition that he views as an evil second only to women's rights.
You don't know anything about me. Nothing. You call me a hypocrite. Someone who says one thing and does another. Except you don't know what I do. Which makes you either a liar or an idiot. Likely both.Just fuck off you sanctimonious prick, because it's not like you actually give a shit about any of those things, because if you genuinely did then you wouldn't hold the kind of beliefs or political positions that you do.
You give a shit about mental health now huh? Well I'm sure you support a medical system that ensures that people can access the support that they need without it bankrupting them, and make it universal so that it's not tied into their job, so that if they lose their job or business they lose their health insurance and have to choose between looking after their health and wellbeing, heating or eating, or keeping a roof over their heads, right? And these teens, struggling with their mental health, battling depression because they can see their future is bleak, with nothing to look forward to but ever-increasing debt, lower paid jobs, unaffordable housing and an increasingly out of control climate crisis...I bet you're fully on board with their struggles, eh? Never called them snowflakes or anything, nosiree, you're just fucking empathy personified, ain't ya?
You give a shit about domestic violence now huh? I'm sure that's why you're in favour of providing adequate funding to outreach programmes and organisations set up to support families in those situations, right?
You give a shit about poor people, stressed out to breaking point, who don't know how they're going to make ends meet or keep a roof over their heads and turn to drink as a result? Well I'm sure you're in favour of a strong social security net that ensures people don't fall through the gaps and never ever judge people for turning to drink, totally in favour of programmes to help them treat that like an illness rather than making it about some personal character flaw - and while we're at it, no doubt recognising that it's a systemic issue and supporting changes to combat that and ensure no child goes hungry, yeah?
I mean, it's not like *you* would take the view that it's all about personal responsibility and it's not society's duty to take care of the kids, right?
Oh, and I'm sure you're an advocate for teachers as well, right? I mean, all those kind-hearted souls dipping into their own pockets to put food in kids' mouths and make sure they can eat something each day - I bet that in addition to arguing for social programmes to combat child poverty and hunger, you're out there campaigning for teachers to be paid more and have stronger employment protections and all that jazz?
As. Fucking. If.
So just shut up, you sanctimonious, hypocritical cunt.
Calling people liberal sheep like you ain't a fucking walking talking cliche regurgitating every right wing talking point like someone pulled a string out your back and prerecorded bullshit comes outta your mouth.
A quarter of a million people have died in your country alone, which you're shrugging it off like it ain't no thing, and now you wanna play the "I'm so fucking empathetic because I support peoples' right to work themselves to death"
Just fuck off.
You utter, utter cunt
You don't know anything about me. Nothing. You call me a hypocrite. Someone who says one thing and does another. Except you don't know what I do. Which makes you either a liar or an idiot. Likely both.
As usual, your own sanctimony from being a proud liberal blinds you from the notion that someone who doesn't look to the government to solve all his problems could possibly be good. Or do good. Or care.
You think you are righteous because the government takes your money to use inefficiently on social programs so you can sleep well at night knowing you've done your part. Sad.
As if you have ever cared about a single American who has died every single day for the last 200+ years. 2.9 million died last year from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, flu, car accidents, drowning, lightning, suicide, gang violence - you don't care. But swing around the Covid death count (highly suspect, by the way, not that you'd believe what the CEO of my local hospital tells me because you're so smart) and suddenly you are horrified. HORRIFIED! If only we all locked ourselves in our basements for a year, then those people wouldn't have died. If only we all sacrificed our businesses and the emotional wellness of children then we could have saved them! No matter that most of them have multiple comorbidities, most were over 80, and most were concentrated in a couple of highly populated poorly managed cities/states. No matter they would have died from the next bacterial infection.
And the reason why all of these players get it and are magically back in 2 weeks right as rain? It's because it's a weird flu that the overwhelming majority of us will get and recover from just like other flus. Duh.
Has there been a footy player who's actually felt ill with it yet? Loads of them seem to get it, disappear for a fortnight and come back brand new. When the American footy players were getting it in the first wave loads of them were fucked. Must be a fitness / size thing
You've been on here long enough and spouted enough bullshit for me to know you're a 'rugged individualist' clone, and that I fancy my chances winning the following bets:
- is 'pro-life' and doesn't believe a woman should have the choice of what to do with her body, but believes it's a personal choice to wear a mask (also bonus points - doesn't believe the government should have a say in how to run your life, but *does* believe the government should be able to force you to go through with an unwanted pregnancy)
- believes 'All Lives Matter' and the BLM movement are antifa thugs, but is quite happy sacrificing the old and infirm for the sake of the economy
- firm believer in 2A rights, to prevent government interference in personal freedom, but totally cool with unmarked vans of vague non-descript government agencies snatching protest folks off the streets and carting them off somewhere
How am I doing so far?
Truth is - and this is proven decisively by the countries that managed not to royally fuck this whole thing up - being early adopters of stringent measures, including masks, including social distancing, including competent testing and tracing strategies - resulted in life going back to as normal as it can be. New Zealand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Singapore have all proven that by having a sensible, science-based and proportional (as in - taking it fucking seriously and not fannying about worrying about how it might spook the markets) response, it could be controlled and managed.
Meanwhile, people like you get your knickers in a twist about "oooooh, the government is telling me what to do, and the government is bad (apart from when it does things I personally agree with) so I'm not gonna listen"
And that's how a quarter million people die unnecessarily.
And because you are STILL pooh-poohing that number, like it's insignificant and so small, virtually nothing, like a cunt, let's just remind ourselves of all the wars America has been in where the total casualties *combined* don't add up to that:
Korean War
American Revolutionary War
Mexican-American War
Phillipine-American War
Spanish-American War
War of 1812
*Every* war combined bar WW2 and the Civil War killed less Americans, but boohoo muh rights means you don't wanna wear a mask and take basic precautions that are an inconvenience of miniscule proportions.
You're a fucking joke. So fuck off, Karen
Obesity is a prexisting condition of note for covid.Has there been a footy player who's actually felt ill with it yet? Loads of them seem to get it, disappear for a fortnight and come back brand new. When the American footy players were getting it in the first wave loads of them were fucked. Must be a fitness / size thing
Do you think this is comparable to the flu?Again, you know nothing but preen like you do. Congrats on being an fool.
I know you have been in tears each flu season as the old and infirm die by what was totally preventable, if only we could just shut the world down everyone would be safe. You chose not to shut down every year, you hate old infirm people.
Let me guess - you go to restaurants every other year at flu season but claim other people don’t care about passing infectious germs along.
You drive a car every single day with absolutely no care for those whose risk of death go up by you not parking and walking everywhere like a good pleb.
Your righteousness is blinding and deafening. Not to me, I see you. It’s sad.
Again, you know nothing but preen like you do. Congrats on being an fool.
I know you have been in tears each flu season as the old and infirm die by what was totally preventable, if only we could just shut the world down everyone would be safe. You chose not to shut down every year, you hate old infirm people.
Let me guess - you go to restaurants every other year at flu season but claim other people don’t care about passing infectious germs along.
You drive a car every single day with absolutely no care for those whose risk of death go up by you not parking and walking everywhere like a good pleb.
Your righteousness is blinding and deafening. Not to me, I see you. It’s sad.
Has there been a footy player who's actually felt ill with it yet? Loads of them seem to get it, disappear for a fortnight and come back brand new. When the American footy players were getting it in the first wave loads of them were fucked. Must be a fitness / size thing
Every year they release a flu vaccine you fucking plank.
Steps are taken to try and minimise the impact as much as possible. I'm not out here arguing that people should be out there having flu parties where they can all catch it. Nor am I saying that cancer, heart attacks, dementia and all that other shit isn't really a big deal and people should just get over it already.
Because I'm not a cunt.
Whereas you *are* arguing that a disease that has killed over a million people worldwide is nothing to worry about.
So go fuck yourself
Flu vaccines every year?! [emoji23][emoji23]. How’s that working out with thousands of dead from the flu every single year?
You’re so eloquent. Reading comprehension needs some remediation but otherwise really really smart.
Flu vaccines every year?! [emoji23][emoji23]. How’s that working out with thousands of dead from the flu every single year?
I’ll leave you and your sycophants to your self congratulations.
Fuck you and your measured responseI'm not sure if I want to get involved - but reading this conversation makes me sad.
Because one side has made valid comments about people I know (we're just coming out of "solitary country confinement" round 2, which will be round 3 in 1-2 months tops imo) - families are finished financially, finished emotionally, divorces, etc ... Seen it all.
Because the other side has valid points - this disease is real, and until we have a vaccination, it is far more dangerous than the flu because it moves around like crazy, and has long lasting effects after you've survived it (my neighbors whom I used to play football with (not allowed) says he struggles to breathe at least once a day, and he feels "muscle'less" at times).
Masks and social distancing is easy - do it, helps give you and your family a better chance ... It's just doing the right thing, and yes, I say that even though this has given the govt even more of an ability to infringe on civil liberties (tracking our movement if we're sick etc).
Our society is in a bad place, and it's only going to get worse. Oh well, hope our grandchildren forgive us if we don't fuck up the planet too badly.