Liberals always portray conservatives as hayseed bumpkins lapping up every conspiracy theory on their recliner watching Fox News.
What ever made people who think government is the answer and source think they are so much smarter than people who don't?
My whole family had the Rona, including my immuno compromised wife (MS, Lyme, POTS, Hashimoto's) and special needs oldest son. It's freaking inevitable. Couple of days of a fever for one, a little sore throat for another, and some tiredness.
We self treated with rest, hydration, vitamin c and zinc, garlic pills, avoided sugar and ate really healthy. Stayed home for 10 days. Done.
All this talk about how I should feel differently if it was my grandma is just a logical fallacy. Apply that to people whose family members have OD'd on drugs or died of alcoholism, does that change your opinion on locking people down so they don't use or drink? No because that's stupid.
There is no end game for this virus other than getting back to regular life with some basic precautions. Vaccine? Please. Whatever they come out with will be untested over time, and unlikely to be 100% effective for the broad population. Meaning we'll still be dealing with the virus. Not to mention that it's at least a year to two years before they can spin up and distribute enough for the whole world, plus 2 shots each separated by weeks or months.
You liberal sheep excited about lockdowns for the next two years? With no real promise of an end even then? For a virus with a 99.9% survival rate for most people, and 95% for seniors?
And I'm the dumb one?