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Racist Dembele

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Barcelona stars Ousmane Dembele and Antoine Griezmann have been filmed together in an awkward video that’s just been leaked online.
It looks as though the clip is not from this summer, but from a couple of years ago, but it shows Dembele appearing to make racist jokes about hotel staff.
Watch below as Dembele makes remarks about Asian staff whilst filming them, with Griezmann laughing along with him…

Barcelona stars Ousmane Dembele and Antoine Griezmann have been filmed together in an awkward video that’s just been leaked online.
It looks as though the clip is not from this summer, but from a couple of years ago, but it shows Dembele appearing to make racist jokes about hotel staff.
Watch below as Dembele makes remarks about Asian staff whilst filming them, with Griezmann laughing along with him…
Didn't read the headline just the text. Started thinking they were shagging eachother.
Not suprising, Dembele is terrible person and even worse football player. Well Greizman, he’s got previous. Twats being caught, I’m sure an apology is on it’s way, we aren’t racists but have loads of asian and black mates...

Barcelona stars Ousmane Dembele and Antoine Griezmann have been filmed together in an awkward video that’s just been leaked online.
It looks as though the clip is not from this summer, but from a couple of years ago, but it shows Dembele appearing to make racist jokes about hotel staff.
Watch below as Dembele makes remarks about Asian staff whilst filming them, with Griezmann laughing along with him…

Bit long but skipping through there was one stand out in his discussion ... why does racism against Asian people not get the same amount of air time as against black people? As demonstrated by a few on this site.
Bit long but skipping through there was one stand out in his discussion ... why does racism against Asian people not get the same amount of air time as against black people? As demonstrated by a few on this site.
I think it might have something to do with the kidnap and enslavement of millions of black people (by the white ruling class) and the legacy of discrimination and repression that has left behind. And the growing awareness of (or inability to discredit/ignore) this reality among white people due to smartphones and the reach of social media.

That's not to undermine racism against Asian people, which is obviously completely unacceptable. But I don't think that white consciousness has been raised to this problem in the same way. We can speculate as to why that is, but we mustn't fall into the trap of pointing the finger at one oppressed group for not calling out the plight of another. This is generally where (mainly white) right-wing commentators try to take the discussion, as it effectively removes the oppressors (i.e. themselves) from the discussion and pits the oppressed groups against each other. It's classic divide and rule.
I think it might have something to do with the kidnap and enslavement of millions of black people (by the white ruling class) and the legacy of discrimination and repression that has left behind. And the growing awareness of (or inability to discredit/ignore) this reality among white people due to smartphones and the reach of social media.

That's not to undermine racism against Asian people, which is obviously completely unacceptable. But I don't think that white consciousness has been raised to this problem in the same way. We can speculate as to why that is, but we mustn't fall into the trap of pointing the finger at one oppressed group for not calling out the plight of another. This is generally where (mainly white) right-wing commentators try to take the discussion, as it effectively removes the oppressors (i.e. themselves) from the discussion and pits the oppressed groups against each other. It's classic divide and rule.

You're replying to someone who understands and admits his internet is monitored so he has to push pro China narratives like he is here.

He thinks saying Covid originated in the Wuhan lab is racist.
I think it might have something to do with the kidnap and enslavement of millions of black people (by the white ruling class) and the legacy of discrimination and repression that has left behind. And the growing awareness of (or inability to discredit/ignore) this reality among white people due to smartphones and the reach of social media.

That's not to undermine racism against Asian people, which is obviously completely unacceptable. But I don't think that white consciousness has been raised to this problem in the same way. We can speculate as to why that is, but we mustn't fall into the trap of pointing the finger at one oppressed group for not calling out the plight of another. This is generally where (mainly white) right-wing commentators try to take the discussion, as it effectively removes the oppressors (i.e. themselves) from the discussion and pits the oppressed groups against each other. It's classic divide and rule.

Smashed it, divide and conquer.

Get ready for the Tory manifesto for 2023, more gov studies on the likes white working class children being left behind at school, less foreigners in NHS etc.

Only sure thing is, every working class will be fighting amongst themselves about race while MPs help themselves to more contracts and keeping that class divide.
Smashed it, divide and conquer.

Get ready for the Tory manifesto for 2023, more gov studies on the likes white working class children being left behind at school, less foreigners in NHS etc.

Only sure thing is, every working class will be fighting amongst themselves about race while MPs help themselves to more contracts and keeping that class divide.

The people pointing this out and reporting upon it before the last spate of elections were shut down and shouted down because they're.... racist. The irony. The public are too precious to stomach listening to information from a racist scumbag, so welcome to the alternative of not having information, and then whining about the woes of the working class. Fuck the working class. They wanted their feelings to be protected in their safe spaces. Let them suffer. You love to see it.
The kids will have to eat rat burgers or insects supplied by food banks. But hey, at least they will use the correct pronouns to describe whatever millionaire decided they were non-binary this week, so swings and roundabouts.
The kids will have to eat rat burgers or insects supplied by food banks. But hey, at least they will use the correct pronouns to describe whatever millionaire decided they were non-binary this week, so swings and roundabouts.
Em, eh?
You're replying to someone who understands and admits his internet is monitored so he has to push pro China narratives like he is here.

He thinks saying Covid originated in the Wuhan lab is racist.
Is there a reason you have to constantly go on the attack and be a complete tosser? Is it an internet warrior kind of thing?

Government A will enrich people. Government B will impoverish people. Millennials no longer distinguish the two. They choose their leaders based on woke. Government A is racist. Government B is woke. A few years later they will be woke, but sadly eating rat burgers due to no monies.
FYI for anyone that might somehow be affected by Rosco comments, I’ve met Frogfish in perso. And he was a great guy, a total gentleman. And 30 years older than Rosco. Had a very distinguished limp.
The limp may have been from the power pack and wires which were strapped to his leg. If I was you I'd think back and try to recollect all of the words I had spoken to him, just for my own peace of mind.
Government A will enrich people. Government B will impoverish people. Millennials no longer distinguish the two. They choose their leaders based on woke. Government A is racist. Government B is woke. A few years later they will be woke, but sadly eating rat burgers due to no monies.

You forgot Government C - Dantes In Charge.

In that one - we all die anyway.
FYI for anyone that might somehow be affected by Rosco comments, I’ve met Frogfish in perso. And he was a great guy, a total gentleman. And 30 years older than Rosco. Had a very distinguished limp.
Very kind of you to say so Sir !

*limps gone now

Actually I haven't seen anything Rosco has posted since I put him on 'Ignore' (and would encourage others to do likewise ). That was over a year ago (not that that would stop his snide attacks, he just wants to vent, it's probably causing him hair loss). He's a bona fide tin foil nutter and a pretty horrible person to go with it (judging from his antics and comments on 6CM, which could be misleading but it's all most of us can judge him on) so I'm just singing in the rain 😉
Rosco and everyone else is just struggling with depression. Post-covid stress disorder.

Shit i just googled it and there really is such a thing.

It'll get worse when England win the Euros. Brace yourselves lads.
You're replying to someone who understands and admits his internet is monitored so he has to push pro China narratives like he is here.

He thinks saying Covid originated in the Wuhan lab is racist.

That's got fuck all to do with the fact that there is a clear, but unspoken, hierarchy of racism that (in the UK at least) goes something like this:

- It's really really bad to be racist to black people, you can't do it and you can't even mention the slur, you have to call it "the n-word"

- It's bad to be racist to Asian (as in - South Asian/Indian subcontinent) folk, but there are still a load of people who talk about "going to the paki shop" in company they feel comfortable with, and with the Islamophobia that the papers have stoked over the last decade and a bit, people still feel emboldened to express their racist views, whether that be blatant or insidious

- Bottom of the major categories are the East Asians, who until recently mostly suffered the casual or ignorant racism, rather than the vitriolic attacks some others might

- Then there's the rest - gypsies, travellers etc

A clear manifestation of this can be seen in popular culture. Clarkson lost his job for muttering something under his breath that couldn't even be made out, but the mere suggestion of "the n-word" was enough to finish him at the BBC. Meanwhile on prime time BBC Radio 1, Edith Bowman read out a tweet about the weather saying "It's a bit Pearl Harbour out there - as in, there's a nasty nip in the air" - and barely got a wrap on the knuckles.

Farage, again on prime time radio, defended the UKIP Councillor's use of Chinky using what can only be described as 'the Partridge defence' by going "Well it's a type of food, isn't it?" despite the fact that the context it was used in was "that Chinky bird"

Now, there's two sides to this coin. Yes, racism against East Asians is seen as far more innocuous and less concerning, but on the other hand it generally *is* less aggro and extreme. Despite the fact that all of the racist tropes employed against dirty foreigners - "coming over here, not learning the language, sticking to themselves, making no attempts to integrate and being dirty fucking non-taxpaying illegals!" - can easily be applied to plenty of the Chinese, somehow (recent events notwithstanding) they've got off relatively lightly when it comes to the aggressive racism, and experienced much more of the casual variety.

Why this is, who really knows? Perhaps the lighter skin makes them seem less 'other'; perhaps the general perception is that they are less obtrusive, hard-working, keep their heads down and don't make a fuss like those other uppity 'darkies'; maybe it's sheer numbers - there are fewer of them, so they don't stand out as much; or perhaps it really is just because everyone like sweet and sour balls and crispy duck.

Who the fuck knows? But the hierarchy of racism is real
I think it might have something to do with the kidnap and enslavement of millions of black people (by the white ruling class) and the legacy of discrimination and repression that has left behind. And the growing awareness of (or inability to discredit/ignore) this reality among white people due to smartphones and the reach of social media.

That's not to undermine racism against Asian people, which is obviously completely unacceptable. But I don't think that white consciousness has been raised to this problem in the same way. We can speculate as to why that is, but we mustn't fall into the trap of pointing the finger at one oppressed group for not calling out the plight of another. This is generally where (mainly white) right-wing commentators try to take the discussion, as it effectively removes the oppressors (i.e. themselves) from the discussion and pits the oppressed groups against each other. It's classic divide and rule.

I'm not sure the "You know, we really were rather awful to those chaps" argument is totally valid (definitely a little bit, but not 100%), given we probably fucked India just as hard and actually didn't ban slavery in India until about 30 years after banning it elsewhere.

Sure, maybe the sheer numbers are not as extreme as with the African slaves, but not forgetting that it was raping India and taking its treasures that truly made the Empire what it was...India was deffo the 'jewel in the crown' (figuratively as well as literally)
That's got fuck all to do with the fact that there is a clear, but unspoken, hierarchy of racism that (in the UK at least) goes something like this:

- It's really really bad to be racist to black people, you can't do it and you can't even mention the slur, you have to call it "the n-word"

- It's bad to be racist to Asian (as in - South Asian/Indian subcontinent) folk, but there are still a load of people who talk about "going to the paki shop" in company they feel comfortable with, and with the Islamophobia that the papers have stoked over the last decade and a bit, people still feel emboldened to express their racist views, whether that be blatant or insidious

- Bottom of the major categories are the East Asians, who until recently mostly suffered the casual or ignorant racism, rather than the vitriolic attacks some others might

- Then there's the rest - gypsies, travellers etc

A clear manifestation of this can be seen in popular culture. Clarkson lost his job for muttering something under his breath that couldn't even be made out, but the mere suggestion of "the n-word" was enough to finish him at the BBC. Meanwhile on prime time BBC Radio 1, Edith Bowman read out a tweet about the weather saying "It's a bit Pearl Harbour out there - as in, there's a nasty nip in the air" - and barely got a wrap on the knuckles.

Farage, again on prime time radio, defended the UKIP Councillor's use of Chinky using what can only be described as 'the Partridge defence' by going "Well it's a type of food, isn't it?" despite the fact that the context it was used in was "that Chinky bird"

Now, there's two sides to this coin. Yes, racism against East Asians is seen as far more innocuous and less concerning, but on the other hand it generally *is* less aggro and extreme. Despite the fact that all of the racist tropes employed against dirty foreigners - "coming over here, not learning the language, sticking to themselves, making no attempts to integrate and being dirty fucking non-taxpaying illegals!" - can easily be applied to plenty of the Chinese, somehow (recent events notwithstanding) they've got off relatively lightly when it comes to the aggressive racism, and experienced much more of the casual variety.

Why this is, who really knows? Perhaps the lighter skin makes them seem less 'other'; perhaps the general perception is that they are less obtrusive, hard-working, keep their heads down and don't make a fuss like those other uppity 'darkies'; maybe it's sheer numbers - there are fewer of them, so they don't stand out as much; or perhaps it really is just because everyone like sweet and sour balls and crispy duck.

Who the fuck knows? But the hierarchy of racism is real

I don't disagree.

I just pointed out that Froggies main claim about anti Asian racism was in respect of blaming China for Covid.
It's a perspective issue. If you personally are racist, from your point of view you're a cunt. There's no hierarchy for you, you're just a cunt. Which you have to live with.

All of the woke modern virtue signalling about racism puts the onus on the victim, poor the victim, poor baby victim of racism. It sounds all woke nice, and caring, but if you lack that bullshit empathy and just look at it objectively for what's going on, then you'd see it's shifted the perspective away from the racist. The racist no longer needs to live with the fact they're a piece of shit. Instead the main thing now is the people's reaction. Nothing to do with me. And since different races have different reactions, you get the hierarchy pop out. It's a sociopathic way for old white people to excuse their own racism. In any event, people are wilfully too stupid to see this, were wilfully too stupid to see it for Suarez, so fuck them all.
I don't disagree.

I just pointed out that Froggies main claim about anti Asian racism was in respect of blaming China for Covid.

I mean, I don't know the specifics of what you're talking about, but there's certainly scope for some of that to fall under the banner of casual racism (as in "those filthy fuckers eating bats!" and whatnot - as if eating one animal is worse than eating another - imagine how we seem to Hindus given that we eat cows?) - or in the case of Chinese (or any East Asian for that matter, given people can't seem to tell the difference) people being attacked on the street because of Covid.

It's like attacking a Jew because of what Israel is up to - just a bullshit reason to justify your own cuntishness.

And if that's *not* racism, then what is?
That's got fuck all to do with the fact that there is a clear, but unspoken, hierarchy of racism that (in the UK at least) goes something like this:

- It's really really bad to be racist to black people, you can't do it and you can't even mention the slur, you have to call it "the n-word"

- It's bad to be racist to Asian (as in - South Asian/Indian subcontinent) folk, but there are still a load of people who talk about "going to the paki shop" in company they feel comfortable with, and with the Islamophobia that the papers have stoked over the last decade and a bit, people still feel emboldened to express their racist views, whether that be blatant or insidious

- Bottom of the major categories are the East Asians, who until recently mostly suffered the casual or ignorant racism, rather than the vitriolic attacks some others might

- Then there's the rest - gypsies, travellers etc

A clear manifestation of this can be seen in popular culture. Clarkson lost his job for muttering something under his breath that couldn't even be made out, but the mere suggestion of "the n-word" was enough to finish him at the BBC. Meanwhile on prime time BBC Radio 1, Edith Bowman read out a tweet about the weather saying "It's a bit Pearl Harbour out there - as in, there's a nasty nip in the air" - and barely got a wrap on the knuckles.

Farage, again on prime time radio, defended the UKIP Councillor's use of Chinky using what can only be described as 'the Partridge defence' by going "Well it's a type of food, isn't it?" despite the fact that the context it was used in was "that Chinky bird"

Now, there's two sides to this coin. Yes, racism against East Asians is seen as far more innocuous and less concerning, but on the other hand it generally *is* less aggro and extreme. Despite the fact that all of the racist tropes employed against dirty foreigners - "coming over here, not learning the language, sticking to themselves, making no attempts to integrate and being dirty fucking non-taxpaying illegals!" - can easily be applied to plenty of the Chinese, somehow (recent events notwithstanding) they've got off relatively lightly when it comes to the aggressive racism, and experienced much more of the casual variety.

Why this is, who really knows? Perhaps the lighter skin makes them seem less 'other'; perhaps the general perception is that they are less obtrusive, hard-working, keep their heads down and don't make a fuss like those other uppity 'darkies'; maybe it's sheer numbers - there are fewer of them, so they don't stand out as much; or perhaps it really is just because everyone like sweet and sour balls and crispy duck.

Who the fuck knows? But the hierarchy of racism is real

I never knew pearl harbour comment is a sly nod to nasty nip in the air.
I must say, some of the racist undertones in the western lingo is so subversive and well hidden, it’s so hard to tell at sometimes when someone has been racially abused or not without the brain having to compute intially then playback.
Not sure if the same sort of passive sly phrases have seeped in other cultures such as
Asian and African consiousness towards others.
You have to give it to the “developed” nations sometimes, the racism at times feel a new level of maturity rather than old school in your face racism.
Government A will enrich people. Government B will impoverish people. Millennials no longer distinguish the two. They choose their leaders based on woke. Government A is racist. Government B is woke. A few years later they will be woke, but sadly eating rat burgers due to no monies.

Let me guess Gov A is led by Trump?
Not sure if you know, theres already another lengthy thread in General forum related to this.
**** Spoiler alert - he lost ****
Ah come on now, you do all look alike.

That wasn't what he said though... it's a bit like a hypothetical situation of you being attacked in China because you look English. It's going to piss you off for more than one reason.
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