The world's gone absolutely PC mad and it's madder than I can ever recall.
A very wise man once said this and I thought it carried lots of meaning and truth to it.
He said, "We cannot talk about human rights without the right to be human."
I couldn't agree more.
Listen to these powerful words from the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Right....
Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world… All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
'All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights'. Really ? What’s the basis for this idea ? Where was this noble sentiment grounded ? Because, not every worldview can bear that weight of that bold statement.
Go to rural India, stay there for a good while and you can't help but notice the highly stratified caste system of India. If your ethnicity/clan sit at the bottom of that system, you can be assured to suffer great sadness, pain and misery. And if you're a woman, it's very likely you'll either be sexually abused or trafficked into sexual slavery, most times without a bat of an eye-lid from the governing authorities. Try telling them that 'all human beings are equal'. It's almost like a hollow slap to their faces. It's all fine-sounding platitudes to the severely oppressed, but you see, it doesn't solve anything. Human rights is too valuable an idea to build on sand, it needs a foundation, a worldview that can support it. It needs a worldview that informs a person (creation) that he/she is made in the image of their Creator, which has been proven time and again, that it is the most powerful corrective. It restores worth to a broken person.
Now the above is simply one extreme end of this tangent. Using this framework of thought, we can apply to the tweet too.
"We cannot talk about human rights without the right to be human."
What does it mean to be human ? Well, one of the most basic need is to be able to breathe, to be alive. For instance, it's useless discussing about the right to abort a child, if one denies the child one of its basic need to be human i.e. to live, to breathe.
Same goes for a woman. One of the most celebrated, if not divine, gift of women is their ability to child-bear. To give birth. For without them, all of us wouldn't be around on 6CM. It is something special. It makes a woman human.
So celebrate it for crying it loud ! Be proud of it because the more nobler of men amongst us know the pain you lot go through for those many months you carry us in your wombs. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm in no way claiming the clowns who run the FA are noble men, but to call the tweet sexist, patronizing or whatever - is, in my opinion, pathetic PC gone mad shite.
If I was a woman, I'd say 'damn right we are heroes, not only did we produce the likes of Stevie G, Ronaldo, and co, but we also can kick a ball. Maybe not as good as men, admittedly, but good enough for the nation to cheer for us'.