I've found the attacks at almost everything to do with club that have steadily cumulated over the last few years on here difficult to understand. It's been a few tough years on and off the pitch and that's not going to be fixed for a good while yet and thought of that makes me skin crawl given what's gone on this site over the last 18 months. I don't even know if it's some of the posters or if it's me but some personas have changed drastically over the years and it baffles me. I now feel a massive disconnect with this site. I don't enjoy it any more. I miss the good natured banter. I miss the alternative humour. I miss the interesting discussions. It's all like one big battle regardless of the subject and there's constant dragging up of old shite and opinions to use as a stick to beat people with. There's so much fucking smart arsery, bile, frustration and know-it-all bollocks spouted here all the time it's become hugely frustrating for many people and somewhat pointless. Loads of old seasoned posters no longer bother and evens some of the mods don't seem to give a fuck about actually moderating any more. The site seems completely split on opinion and, let's face it, no- one his going to shift viewpoints nor do would I expect them to. I'd expect people to debate certain points people are making and understand at least some of those viewpoints. Doesn't happen.
As I say, I appreciate it might be me that's changed without realising but I've completely lost my love for this site now. I just ain't feeling it any more and I'm not sure it's coming back. I've tried a break but didn't really work. I certainly no longer want to invest any more time, money and hour upon hour of hard effort into this site any more because this forum as it exists today just isn't worth it. Whereas I'm not going to leave the other owners in the shit, because that's not in my nature, I do want to step down as an owner and mod going forwards. I'm putting stuff together soon so it will make it easier for the other lads this week and will look to step down soon after. Id rather hand over to someone who's got a bit of passion for the site as mines gone now. I'm still going to get my fix of course but it needs to be limited because each time I come on here lately I either sigh or get really frustrated and angry. I miss coming here and laughing. It's a fucking shame that.
You know, I appreciate we've been calamitous as a footballing entity but I always have the view that we'd stand behind our club through the wind and the rain. Seems for me some need The Lying Rag shining eternally before they can do that. It's OK to criticise us being shite, of course it is - and rightly so at times. It's never OK ( in my book ) to disrespect the club, its players and, most importantly, each other as fans the way some have. I include myself in that last point sometimes. I'll never understand that. Maybe, like Vlad, my views are no longer relevant to the modern game and the necessity for fast fixes and instant success that seems so prevalent. I understand everyone is frustrated to fuck though, we all feel that as fans. If you dont feel it then you may as well stop watching footy. Still doesn't excuse the way we act towards each other and the club we all profess to love and support though.
Maxi Jazz used to end each gig with the same phrase - be good to each other, we're all we've got. Think about it.