The Data Set
League(s): English Premier League
Season(s): 2006/07-12/13
Total no. of fixtures: 59
In order to look at the myth, I was restricted to the seasons where specific dates are available, so that the next fixture can be looked at. Unfortunately, pre-06/07 doesn’t have the data we need, but 59 months is more than enough to take a look at this cliché and come to a conclusion. In the spreadsheet linked below, as always, we have the season, month, manager and next result available if you want to take a look.
View attachment 167
As the table above shows,
most winners of the Manager of the Month win their next game. It’s a predictable result for anyone that gives it more than a couple of seconds thought: if the team was so in-form that the manager picked up the award, then the chances of them winning their next game is going to be pretty high.
The occasions where the team lost the next game were usually teams whose manager was awarded for overachieving that month (e.g. Mark Hughes at Blackburn, Gareth Southgate at Middlesborough) or they were simply playing a better team for their following fixture.
So, in conclusion, this myth is busted.[/article]