Yeah we forgot, so have you.
I've always said the opposite.
Yeah we forgot, so have you.
Alberto's a bit better this half.
Allen injured too.
Youre so full of shit. Johnson was marking the number 4.Agger and Johnson stood marking no one, fucking shite.
Youre so full of shit. Johnson was marking the number 4.
I see you throw Aggers name in to mask your agenda.
Watch it again. Agger was marking no one, Johnson had the number 4.
That is bullshit.Actually, on watching it again, Johnson stood marking no one, Agger got caught because he saw Johnson had given their player a yard or so and moved away from his player.
No mention of his two brillaint runs and passes into sterling and sturridge?Actually, on watching it again, Johnson stood marking no one, Agger got caught because he saw Johnson had given their player a yard or so and moved away from his player.