Update 7:58 a.m.: The judge has ordered: the TRO has been dissolved, per both parties wishes, and the motion for contempt has been withdrawn. The judge summed up the proceedings thusly: "It's been an interesting two days." To say the least. I'll have more quotes forthcoming, but essentially, says George Bramlet, "Hicks and Gillett have demonstrated record of gamesmanship in these proceedings and those in England." Hicks's attorney has reiterated that there has been no sale to Mills Financial.
[/quote]Update 7:58 a.m.: The judge has ordered: the TRO has been dissolved, per both parties wishes, and the motion for contempt has been withdrawn. The judge summed up the proceedings thusly: "It's been an interesting two days." To say the least. I'll have more quotes forthcoming, but essentially, says George Bramlet, "Hicks and Gillett have demonstrated record of gamesmanship in these proceedings and those in England." Hicks's attorney has reiterated that there has been no sale to Mills Financial.
[/quote]Update 7:58 a.m.: The judge has ordered: the TRO has been dissolved, per both parties wishes, and the motion for contempt has been withdrawn. The judge summed up the proceedings thusly: "It's been an interesting two days." To say the least. I'll have more quotes forthcoming, but essentially, says George Bramlet, "Hicks and Gillett have demonstrated record of gamesmanship in these proceedings and those in England." Hicks's attorney has reiterated that there has been no sale to Mills Financial.
[/quote]Update 7:58 a.m.: The judge has ordered: the TRO has been dissolved, per both parties wishes, and the motion for contempt has been withdrawn. The judge summed up the proceedings thusly: "It's been an interesting two days." To say the least. I'll have more quotes forthcoming, but essentially, says George Bramlet, "Hicks and Gillett have demonstrated record of gamesmanship in these proceedings and those in England." Hicks's attorney has reiterated that there has been no sale to Mills Financial.