The throwaway remark about intelligence Kenny made some time ago was the one that really struck a nerve. It was clearly a very specific point about a very specific question, but these hacks are obviously so insecure they can't stop talking about it. Martin Samuel drags it back into one of his long-winded wum riffs today, and last Sunday on Sky Matt Dickinson kept saying, 'Huh, speaking as someone who isn't supposed to be intelligent...' Incredibly childish. I knew Dickinson when he was a student - he was as thick as pigshit but astoundingly cold and cynical, so it was no surprise when he seized the chance to finish off Hoddle's career with that 'off the record' reincarnation chatter. These characters are shameful buffoons who live in an hermetically-sealed world composed of their own dreamy self-regard, and if anyone punctures that bubble they're resented bitterly. But it will all change if the results change - the fickleness is extraordinary, but it's the one consistent quality they have.