I think he's hugely appreciated by other forwards for being able to chest down long balls, hold up play and then lay it off to someone to take on and shoot. That would also be why Torres would probably appreciate him. And I've always felt sorry for him when the ball's been punted up to him and he's been expected to control it and keep it when surrounded by two or three defenders snapping at his heels. Falling over in hope of getting a free kick is probably all he can do in such circumstances (Keegan, funnily enough, did the same during the latter part of his farewell season with us). So he's one of the shamefully few forwards who can actually hold up the ball in that part of the pitch. But anyone who's seen him at the top of his game, when he's looked almost as dangerously powerful in his own way as Drogba, will never really be satisfied with his 'facilitator' role because it seems such a shocking waste. He's as modest as Collymore is cocky, but he's no less infuriating as an under-achiever.