Heh. May as well be.Is this a brexit metaphor?
Sorry lads, my fault.
Heh. May as well be.Is this a brexit metaphor?
This is where you should be talking about this match lads.
Have you looked in the streams thread?Streams, please?
Have you looked in the streams thread?
Jono - can you merge this to the stream thread?
Don't think that will work on work PC in Ireland.Surely BBC iplayer is the best option?
Ahh.Don't think that will work on work PC in Ireland.
Surely BBC iplayer is the best option?
Filmon is the only alternative I know of that isn't dodgy or needs a vpn.
Nah, looks like there isn't. Soz.Is there one?
Must be blind.
No worries 😉Found on Filmon.
Thanks Cloggy and FFF
Try Filmon, your stream is like 20 minutes too lateSterling skies it from six yds?
Sterling is fucking gash.