David Coote

And some fans of other teams don't understand the big deal of all this
Let's see. Few would be surprised at this point. It's one of them that if it's on any electronic device attributed then he's fucked further and probably banned from refereeing for good. It could even be criminal?

At the same time, nobody deserves malicious stuff made up about them.
Yeah, there’s been nothing wrong with his mental welfare, dude is just a crooked piece of shit and there’s no doubt this runs deeper.

If he wasn’t fucked before (he was), he certainly will be now.
I think @Farkmaster was spot on. I imagine this was being used against him as blackmail - leading to some of his dodgy decisions.

I thought part of the outroar after his fuck ups and hauling through the press was "think about his family"

Is he married w/ Kids? I presume not after this news?!
if the world wants there to be less outrage on social media about refs then

1. Make sure refs like Davy C are not blackmailable over their sexuality
2. Don't be allowing Refs to get paid for games in Abu Dhabi and other places.

Oh and is SCM counting as social media?
Blackmail David Coote over his sexuality??

I knew five seconds into that clip he had been banging the man next to him all night, every night, for two whole years of covid, as well as the other 20 men in the room.

You can't blackmail someone over something that half the world knows.
I like your idea of banning gay referees, but is it practical?

No I was thinking make it as all referees have to be bi or gay. Solves the problem completely. Plus they can't go ref for the Abu Dhabi leagues, because well, they are still in the middle ages on this stuff.
Blackmail David Coote over his sexuality??

I knew five seconds into that clip he had been banging the man next to him all night, every night, for two whole years of covid, as well as the other 20 men in the room.

You can't blackmail someone over something that half the world knows.

You can blackmail someone about something that causes their entire career to implode, that people didn't know about for a long period of time. The suspicion should be that he was blackmailed and I'm awaiting a thorough clearing of the air that will never come.
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