Yeah yeah you can go on all with all your 'he was not a good defender' drivel, doesn't change the fact that he was a rather complete defender when at the top of his game, and wanted by the best teams in the world too on several occasions. Not because he'd either a) lose the ball and jog back. B) shoot wildly c) pass to the left back who generally was behind him but because he mastered both the defensive and the attacking part of the game and always gave his utmost.
I have had to read a lot of bollocks on here in regards to Agger and I've certainly asked for a lot of it myself as I have been too biased in my opinions of him I admit that - but some of you have been massively polarized by my extremely positive Agger approach and you've turned equally sour the other way. That's a fucking fact.
Personally I also find it hard to compare defenders like Carra and Agger, they are supposed to be on the pitch together as a partnership as they are complementary with different qualities and strengths, like it should be. So when Brendan and other ridicule posters for actually rating a player of Agger's caliber above the ones of Carra's I find it an equally biased view, just the other way around, because how do you really compare them? Tackles won? Defensive headers? Completed passes? Goals? Do the best clubs in the world want them? Etc. I rated them both very highly and for me they were both among my favorite players during their time, but I believe Carra on a whole have had a greater impact on our team and was a more important player for us - mainly down to the other being far too injured.
I think it's far easier to compare the likes of Agger and Skrtel as they have many of the same traits, both bad and good, and I am honesty baffled still as to how Skrtel of the two survived the longest in our club as he in my opinion is/was the lesser of the two in almost every aspect of the game, from defense to attack. That is my opinion and I know that outside the borders of 6CM, where this opinion is allowed, there are many that share that exact thought with me.
Actually now that I've opened the can of worms, for me Lucas and Skrtel are the epitome of what has been wrong with our transfer dealings for quite some time - we've sold on the great ones Alonso, Masher, Suarez, Torres, Agger and kept the run of the mill ones that will always give their utmost, are honest players etc., but surely doesn't have the acquired qualities to be sure starters in a team wanting to compete for top honors in the Premiership.
So, I know this post will probably ignite a shitestorm on here, and bring out the best in some of you, but I can deal with it, after all it's only opinions with regards to footballers. So let's have it.
*rolls up sleeves*