Glanced at the Top scorers in La Liga this season, Messi is leading the pack with 12 goals but unusually Ronaldo is not close behind as we would normally expect, he is nowhere in that mix. Turns out he's only scored 1 goal in 8 games this season.
Is age finally getting the better of him?
Iago Aspas is proving he is no one season wonder notching up six goals so far, and his team mate who most of us have never heard of (other than KHL), Pione Sisto, who has notched up 2 goals and 9 assists.
Is age finally getting the better of him?
Iago Aspas is proving he is no one season wonder notching up six goals so far, and his team mate who most of us have never heard of (other than KHL), Pione Sisto, who has notched up 2 goals and 9 assists.