It's easy to Google that one and in fact I think I've already stated which lab in the other thread (I'll have to check - not sure if it was even on this forum) !
Rumours however well intentioned are the bane of control. And having lived a couple of months of this rumour mongering in China I have to say that sources do indeed to be quoted because there is so much shit being spread around. It even led to people throwing their pets out of high rises in China as people believed the rumours it could be transmitted via their cats & dogs. Madness.
As I said : a 1 minute Google:
John Edmunds, a professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, told the Mail that modelling showed there were ‘ten times more cases than have been reported – or even more’. Prof Edmunds added that ‘it’s a mild disease that might be missed if somebody doesn’t seek healthcare’: ‘And none of the tests is going to be 100 per cent sensitive so it is not unusual to only capture maybe 10 per cent of the cases.’ Predicting the true scale of the outbreak involves a degree of ‘guesswork’, he said, and ‘it becomes very hard’ to confirm every single case.