I know Boris is a liar, and induced BREXIT, but out of all the Tories, I think he is less likely to do the nasty shit that I think all those around him would all too willingly do. Say what you want about Johnson but he is a populist type for many English folks because he .. can't help himself. I think he would have seriously pushed to pay back the new northern supporters with heavy investment and despite the cost of this pandemic would still push for that investment to take place, because he wants the love and praise of the people. He has that falsehood appeal - and gets good credit for shit he does not think about.
I think it is in everyone's interest for him to get well soon, - I mean imagine Gove, or that current Health Secretary being in charge or even the new stand in deputy right now. Who knows, he may come out of this hospital with a realisation that these public sector workers deserve a bit more in life than what some of those bankers get.
Anyway - hope you are all well, I was so fucking depressed last Thursday - working at home has benefits, but seriously can you imagine doing this for 3 months ? - I am hoping that our lock-down was timed just right so that it will allow us to get back to some normality when 40 days have gone. Why 40 ? - well here is a bit of history, the Persian scholar (Ibn Sina - known in the West as Avicenna [980-1037]) suspected that some diseases were spread by unknown tiny entities through human contact - and to prevent this contamination he came up with the method of isolating people for 40 days - he called this method al-Arba'iniya ("the forty"). Traders from Venice heard of his successful method and took this knowledge back to Italy, and they called it "quarantena" (the forty in old Italian) - this is where the word Quarantine comes from.
If back in Sina's time 40 days was considered a success, and usually in those days they were more re-active than the pro-active steps people are taking these days, then I really hope it works in our time now, just hope we are out of this isolation by 2nd week of May. I don't know if my own mental health can take it beyond that time - I am working on that basis although my work colleagues keep saying we won't be back until start of June.