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Carra's days numbered?

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[quote author=Herr Onceared link=topic=35299.msg927341#msg927341 date=1250621158]
[quote author=ILD link=topic=35299.msg927332#msg927332 date=1250620414]
[quote author=Herr Onceared link=topic=35299.msg927324#msg927324 date=1250619261]
I doubt we'll EVER win another game without Alonso, to take the ball off our spacky legged centre backs, play it short in a triangle with Lucas and Mascherano (being careful not to put too much pressure on them to do anything other than not fall over, before taking the ball back and bypassing the hapless Riera, Benayoun and Kuyt with a 60yard inch perfect pass to Gerrard, who untill Xabi picked him out had been wandering around in a circle trying to figure out how to get the ball off the centre backs without allowing the awful central midfielders to touch it and without him actually having to be arsed to go back over the halfway line to help out, who in turn looks to see where Alonso is motioning him to play the ball too, so that Nando can have an easy tap in, whilst Alonso himself jogs back to the halfway line in order to make sure the gormless 'defensive 7' havnt started eating there own heads and of course ready to rifle another laser guided rocket onto Gerrards toe from 60yards or into the top corner with barely a smile dancing oer his chiseled and handsome visage.
All the signs were there for all to see in all the games we've played so far this season. Were doomed. Xabifc is no more. Its hoofballspackynotemposhitefc now. Woe is me.

Oncy, you really seem to want to hammer home your 'We wont miss Alonso that much' stance.
Not saying that all that was directed at me but since I did claim Alonso to be an effective outlet for our CB's so i'll reply. I said Alonso was an outlet for our CB's to pass the ball to. What's wrong with that statement? He was an outlet for them to give it to them. The centre back might feel more inclined to take the ball on more thus rendering them more likely to kick it long if a player isn't showing for them.

Don't see why you felt the need to add a sensational OTT tirade as if anyone was claiming Alonso was Roy of the Rovers. I said he used provide an outlet for CB's. You're being extreme in your tirade against Alonso.
[/quote]I wasnt talking to you Dave. I didnt even know you'd posted in this thread.
The original posts point was 'without Xabi' to come and take the ball off Carra (which he didnt anyway, a point made by Macca and ignored) Carra will just hoof it long as he cant play football, a fact covered up by Xabi.
I dont know why youre even getting involved mate. Youre making a (personal) mountain out of a molehill.
In the past 2 days Gerrard, Torres, Lucas, Mascherano and now (finally and the last straw) Carragher have been critisized in direct relation to points being made about Xabi and how his leaving (of his own choice) has ruined our Shape, rhythym, tempo etc not just on here but in every gutter press paper.
This GREAT football team will continue to function and god willing succeed without Alonso. And im sick of seing our good pro's being critiqued in a very veiled '....well it wouldnt be like this if Xabi were here' way.

Oh right, fair enough. I doubt anyone is claiming we can't function without Alonso.

Soon it'll be the XACDNRB VS the XACDNWB here. Ha.
Na, i love Xabi, its a shame he had to go (i wonder would Rafa not if he could go back given how summer is going) but im not keen on ripping into players based upon what its percieved they can and cant do in relation to a player we dont have anymore. As someone said the other day, we dont have Barnes anymore either and we're not knocking anyone because of that.
Xabi made his choice, we ALL need to move on.
[quote author=Herr Onceared link=topic=35299.msg927369#msg927369 date=1250622702]
Na, i love Xabi, its a shame he had to go (i wonder would Rafa not if he could go back given how summer is going) but im not keen on ripping into players based upon what its percieved they can and cant do in relation to a player we dont have anymore. As someone said the other day, we dont have Barnes anymore either and we're not knocking anyone because of that.
Xabi made his choice, we ALL need to move on.

Everyone will move on but it's probably being brought up becasue it was our first game of the season and we lost.

Hammer Stoke and get Aqualini fit and come Christmas hopefully it'll be a case of Xabi who?
[quote author=Squiggles link=topic=35299.msg927310#msg927310 date=1250616256]
In his prime Hyypia was just about the better defender, but his mobility and already low speed reduced, and he could no longer be relied upon to play 30 games a year.

I would have liked to see Hyypia play more games last year and therefore stay, I think we took it for granted that he would. But it's fair to say Carragher's been the best for some while now, and still remains so.

when sami was in his prime he was 'just about better than carra', sorry when sami was in his prime he was in the top 2-3 best defenders ever to walk through our gates.
[quote author=spider-neil link=topic=35299.msg927408#msg927408 date=1250624298]
[quote author=Squiggles link=topic=35299.msg927310#msg927310 date=1250616256]
In his prime Hyypia was just about the better defender, but his mobility and already low speed reduced, and he could no longer be relied upon to play 30 games a year.

I would have liked to see Hyypia play more games last year and therefore stay, I think we took it for granted that he would. But it's fair to say Carragher's been the best for some while now, and still remains so.

when sami was in his prime he was 'just about better than carra', sorry when sami was in his prime he was in the top 2-3 best defenders ever to walk through our gates.
[/quote]You dont half make some weird statements!
If you meant Centre backs then its not Thaaaaat bad.
[quote author=Herr Onceared link=topic=35299.msg927413#msg927413 date=1250624437]
[quote author=spider-neil link=topic=35299.msg927408#msg927408 date=1250624298]
[quote author=Squiggles link=topic=35299.msg927310#msg927310 date=1250616256]
In his prime Hyypia was just about the better defender, but his mobility and already low speed reduced, and he could no longer be relied upon to play 30 games a year.

I would have liked to see Hyypia play more games last year and therefore stay, I think we took it for granted that he would. But it's fair to say Carragher's been the best for some while now, and still remains so.

when sami was in his prime he was 'just about better than carra', sorry when sami was in his prime he was in the top 2-3 best defenders ever to walk through our gates.
[/quote]You dont half make some weird statements!
If you meant Centre backs then its not Thaaaaat bad.

yes center backs.
sami is like the personification of liverpool.
the values.
the drive.
the class.
the proffessionalism.
one of my all time favorite players and he isn't even black.
[quote author=spider-neil link=topic=35299.msg927419#msg927419 date=1250624570]
[quote author=Herr Onceared link=topic=35299.msg927413#msg927413 date=1250624437]
[quote author=spider-neil link=topic=35299.msg927408#msg927408 date=1250624298]
[quote author=Squiggles link=topic=35299.msg927310#msg927310 date=1250616256]
In his prime Hyypia was just about the better defender, but his mobility and already low speed reduced, and he could no longer be relied upon to play 30 games a year.

I would have liked to see Hyypia play more games last year and therefore stay, I think we took it for granted that he would. But it's fair to say Carragher's been the best for some while now, and still remains so.

when sami was in his prime he was 'just about better than carra', sorry when sami was in his prime he was in the top 2-3 best defenders ever to walk through our gates.
[/quote]You dont half make some weird statements!
If you meant Centre backs then its not Thaaaaat bad.

yes center backs.
[/quote]Fair enough.
[quote author=spider-neil link=topic=35299.msg927422#msg927422 date=1250624659]
sami is like the personification of liverpool.
the values.
the drive.
the class.
the proffessionalism.
one of my all time favorite players and he isn't even black.

[quote author=Sunny link=topic=35299.msg927426#msg927426 date=1250624754]
[quote author=spider-neil link=topic=35299.msg927422#msg927422 date=1250624659]
sami is like the personification of liverpool.
the values.
the drive.
the class.
the proffessionalism.
one of my all time favorite players and he isn't even black.


Carra's got at least another couple of seasons as our first choice CB imo, he just needs a little rest once in a while to help keep him fresh.
[quote author=ILD link=topic=35299.msg927363#msg927363 date=1250622455]
[quote author=Herr Onceared link=topic=35299.msg927341#msg927341 date=1250621158]
[quote author=ILD link=topic=35299.msg927332#msg927332 date=1250620414]
[quote author=Herr Onceared link=topic=35299.msg927324#msg927324 date=1250619261]
I doubt we'll EVER win another game without Alonso, to take the ball off our spacky legged centre backs, play it short in a triangle with Lucas and Mascherano (being careful not to put too much pressure on them to do anything other than not fall over, before taking the ball back and bypassing the hapless Riera, Benayoun and Kuyt with a 60yard inch perfect pass to Gerrard, who untill Xabi picked him out had been wandering around in a circle trying to figure out how to get the ball off the centre backs without allowing the awful central midfielders to touch it and without him actually having to be arsed to go back over the halfway line to help out, who in turn looks to see where Alonso is motioning him to play the ball too, so that Nando can have an easy tap in, whilst Alonso himself jogs back to the halfway line in order to make sure the gormless 'defensive 7' havnt started eating there own heads and of course ready to rifle another laser guided rocket onto Gerrards toe from 60yards or into the top corner with barely a smile dancing oer his chiseled and handsome visage.
All the signs were there for all to see in all the games we've played so far this season. Were doomed. Xabifc is no more. Its hoofballspackynotemposhitefc now. Woe is me.

Oncy, you really seem to want to hammer home your 'We wont miss Alonso that much' stance.
Not saying that all that was directed at me but since I did claim Alonso to be an effective outlet for our CB's so i'll reply. I said Alonso was an outlet for our CB's to pass the ball to. What's wrong with that statement? He was an outlet for them to give it to them. The centre back might feel more inclined to take the ball on more thus rendering them more likely to kick it long if a player isn't showing for them.

Don't see why you felt the need to add a sensational OTT tirade as if anyone was claiming Alonso was Roy of the Rovers. I said he used provide an outlet for CB's. You're being extreme in your tirade against Alonso.
[/quote]I wasnt talking to you Dave. I didnt even know you'd posted in this thread.
The original posts point was 'without Xabi' to come and take the ball off Carra (which he didnt anyway, a point made by Macca and ignored) Carra will just hoof it long as he cant play football, a fact covered up by Xabi.
I dont know why youre even getting involved mate. Youre making a (personal) mountain out of a molehill.
In the past 2 days Gerrard, Torres, Lucas, Mascherano and now (finally and the last straw) Carragher have been critisized in direct relation to points being made about Xabi and how his leaving (of his own choice) has ruined our Shape, rhythym, tempo etc not just on here but in every gutter press paper.
This GREAT football team will continue to function and god willing succeed without Alonso. And im sick of seing our good pro's being critiqued in a very veiled '....well it wouldnt be like this if Xabi were here' way.

Oh right, fair enough. I doubt anyone is claiming we can't function without Alonso.

Soon it'll be the XACDNRB VS the XACDNWB here. Ha.

I didnt once say we couldnt function without Alonso either. I really like Alonso but we were offered a fee which was more than enough to sell the guy, We would have been daft not to accept the high offer with the player wanting to leave..
my statements were that without Alonso and with our two current midfielders Carra's passing skills will become more noticable unless mascherano or Lucas can drastically up their game.

A lot of people on this site react with so much spite whenever a discussion starts.. i may be underestimating Carra's passing ability but time will tell if it will become a problem or not..

i didnt say Carra was shit either.
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