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Carra's days numbered?

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now now. I know how much he has done at the club. I am also aware that he is still a quality defender capable of blocking shots all day long and will throw his body on the line continously for the cause..

Does anyone think that his complete lack of ability with the ball at his feet will be even more obvious without Alonso in the team? He is a hoof merchant most of the time but due to Alonso dropping deep and ALWAYS wanting the ball it gave him a simple outlet and allowed him a bit more time on the ball.

Mascherano attempts to drop deep for the ball but its obvious that the players dont trust his first touch and passing to allow him to dictate and control the play(this i can understand. His passing is erratic)

Lucas, well.. he never strikes me as a player trying to create space or make something happen. He just plays and hopes that he can get into posistions to recieve the ball occasionally.. his workrate when the opposition have the ball isnt too bad. His workrate when we have possesion is shite.

This means that we have very little ball playing ability through the middle of the park..

Agger and Skrtel are both better with the ball at their feet, Agger being the best option of the three but isnt rocket paced..

Surely without Alonso in the squad a fit Agger is a must. This leaves the remaining posistion to be fought out between Skrtle and Carra
Carra isnt getting any faster so is Rafa going to play Skrtel instead? whom he seems to have a fair bit of trust in..

This isnt an Anti Carra thread.. i think he is a great defender but with the sale of Alonso is he going to be the one to frustrate most??
I was about to start a topic very similar to this about Carra as well, but wasn't quite sure how to articulate my points without coming across as too hyper critical of the legend that is #23.

As we all know Jamie has given his all for this club and is certainly a legend. Also he is still a capable player and is such a smart defender that he is still a very valuable asset to the team. For example he made several of his trademark blocks and slide tackles Sunday at the edge of the box that saved us from further embarrassment.

However Jamie is getting up there in age and his athleticism or lack thereof is starting to take its toll. If an attacker gets around Jamie in the open field it is game, set, and match because his pace just isn't there at this point in his career (see Sunday's match when he had to resort to a clothesline/shirt pull to stop Defoe after Jermaine skinned him 1 v 1). Also I believe he has lost some of his vertical leap which is natural for a player as experienced (ahem, old 😛) as he is. He is still good in the air and can make the right play with his head but it all comes down to his waning athleticism and ability.

I still think Jamie can certainly be a rock in the starting 11 for the next season or two but eventually I think we have to expect a move towards a more permanent look to the future from the center half position.

Either way, Carra remains a living legend and one of the best servants to Liverpool Football Club in some time.
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926865#msg926865 date=1250572906]

well.. i bet 10 of Australia's finest dollars that in the next 3 months Carra will get an absolute roasting around the net due to his hoofball antics.
No. The point is that losing Alonso will further emphasise the deficiencies in the games of Mascherano and Lucas; not Carragher. He's a defender and is still the best one at the club.
[quote author=LarryHagman link=topic=35299.msg926870#msg926870 date=1250573981]

No. The point is that losing Alonso will further emphasise the deficiencies in the games of Mascherano and Lucas; not Carragher. He's a defender and is still the best one at the club.


How is your liver doing m8?
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926869#msg926869 date=1250573947]
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926865#msg926865 date=1250572906]

well.. i bet 10 of Australia's finest dollars that in the next 3 months Carra will get an absolute roasting around the net due to his hoofball antics.

Now we are joyfully betting on the heart of our team failing, so that we can be right?

[quote author=Yoshi_Benayoun link=topic=35299.msg926872#msg926872 date=1250574209]
[quote author=LarryHagman link=topic=35299.msg926870#msg926870 date=1250573981]

No. The point is that losing Alonso will further emphasise the deficiencies in the games of Mascherano and Lucas; not Carragher. He's a defender and is still the best one at the club.


How is your liver doing m8?

Medium rare.
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926869#msg926869 date=1250573947]
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926865#msg926865 date=1250572906]

well.. i bet 10 of Australia's finest dollars that in the next 3 months Carra will get an absolute roasting around the net due to his hoofball antics.

I don't get the point of your argument then.

Are you saying his days are numbered, or that he's going to get derided by a bunch of keyboard warriors?
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926877#msg926877 date=1250574413]
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926869#msg926869 date=1250573947]
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926865#msg926865 date=1250572906]

well.. i bet 10 of Australia's finest dollars that in the next 3 months Carra will get an absolute roasting around the net due to his hoofball antics.

I don't get the point of your argument then.

Are you saying his days are numbered, or that he's going to get derided by a bunch of keyboard warriors?

Someone else worded my argument better although they didnt agree..

Not having Alonso in the team will emphasise Carra's deficiencies in the game which will contribute greatly to his decline in popularity amongst Liverpool fans and Liverpool management.

I want him to prove me wrong and be our starting Centreback for years to come. I can just see his lack of ball playing ability being picked upon by 'keyboard warriors', media gossip queens and couch commentators the country over.
Having someone with poor control and passing in a team where there are the players who can provide that creative outlet is fine. Trouble is the fact that at the moment we dont have that in the centre aside from Gerrard who is currently a striker. Carra will have the ball more than most during a game as Rafa likes to play a possesion game. If Carra doesnt have the options to play the simple pass than he will play longball.. Hear the crowd moan and groan and start to attempt things beyond his skill level.

As someone else mentioned this will also emphasise Lucas and Mascherano's deficiencies but they wont be the ones giving the ball away consistantly.
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926879#msg926879 date=1250576323]
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926877#msg926877 date=1250574413]
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926869#msg926869 date=1250573947]
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926865#msg926865 date=1250572906]

well.. i bet 10 of Australia's finest dollars that in the next 3 months Carra will get an absolute roasting around the net due to his hoofball antics.

I don't get the point of your argument then.

Are you saying his days are numbered, or that he's going to get derided by a bunch of keyboard warriors?

Not having Alonso in the team will emphasise Carra's deficiencies in the game.

I think he's going to have to start slowing it down a bit more as of this season.

He started to get a bit shakey in places last season, and it looks like it's continued into the pre season and the new season. He's still a great defender and should be playing all our big games, but the time will come, and I don't think it's that far away.
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926879#msg926879 date=1250576323]
Not having Alonso in the team will emphasise Carra's deficiencies in the game which will contribute greatly to his decline in popularity amongst Liverpool fans and Liverpool management.

He could walk away from the game wednesday, having scored three own goals, and he'd still be remembered as a scouse legend. If his age does begin to show at some point, the only regret people will have is if he didn't have a league title for all his efforts.
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926880#msg926880 date=1250576480]
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926879#msg926879 date=1250576323]
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926877#msg926877 date=1250574413]
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926869#msg926869 date=1250573947]
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926865#msg926865 date=1250572906]

well.. i bet 10 of Australia's finest dollars that in the next 3 months Carra will get an absolute roasting around the net due to his hoofball antics.

I don't get the point of your argument then.

Are you saying his days are numbered, or that he's going to get derided by a bunch of keyboard warriors?

Not having Alonso in the team will emphasise Carra's deficiencies in the game.


ive explained this... or at least tried to..

It will emphasise his deficiencies as without Alonso we dont have anyone in the centre of the park that will drop deep to allow Carra to play the simple ball. The midfielders we currently have dont have the ability to create space with their passing range or first touch so if they do manage to drop deep and find space.. chances are they will just play a simple one touch pass straight back to the defenders.

Alonso was VERY VERY good at finding space in between the opposistions midfield and strikeforce. He then had the vision and the touch to control the ball quickly and pass it on accurately to someone in a more advanced posistion. ive found that neither midfielder, lucas or Mascherano bust a gut to make space for the defenders to play the simple ball.

This leaves Carra with several options...

pass to Johnson.. (which then leaves Johnson with no options very little room to create)
Pass to agger/skrtle (Chances are opposition will be happy for Carra to have the ball at his feet so will closely mark the other defender)
Hoof the ball to Torres.
pass the ball to the midfielders ( Due to the poor movement in front of him Carra's passing will need to be very accurate and will probably need have a fair bit of pace)
run through the middle of the field as he wont be marked and attempt to free up team mates when an opposition player has to leave their marker to attempt to close down carra. ( Agger's forte.. I dont believe Carra has the ball skills to do this without giving everyone heart attacks)

This can be said for any of our defenders but its easy to see that Carra has the worst ball skills of them all...

If i was the manager of any team against Liverpool i would leave Carra unmarked and allow him as much of the ball as he wants as eventually he will either hoof it or lose it trying to pass it to someone under pressure.
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926889#msg926889 date=1250577929]
If i was the manager of any team against Liverpool i would leave Carra unmarked and allow him as much of the ball as he wants as eventually he will either hoof it or lose it trying to pass it to someone under pressure.

So he's unmarked, but under pressure?

I think it's a fantastic idea. Maybe he'll drop a perfectly weighted ball over the top for Torres to crack into the net.

You are grossly underrating his passing ability. He had a couple games last season at RB, which though definitely not a natural fit, showed he does have some ability, even on the dribble. If he hoofs it, its generally because there isn't a ball on. Alonso wasn't special in finding space between the midfield and strikers, he came to babysit the CBs, and it was often completely unnecessary. How would you be special finding space there, there's fuck all people there when we are in possession. When he wasn't at his best in years past, he would do this routinely, and it would actually hurt our team. The problem in the last game was the outlet ball out wide was just not being played, or it wasn't on, and that isn't the CBs responsibility.
So to summarise all that, what you're basically saying is that because we've got no Alonso to take the ball off Carragher at centre-back, Carra's got nobody to bail him out and he's going to be left to flummox around, fuck up, and bear the brunt of the fans derision?


Fucking bollocks. This 'just because he's workmanlike = no skill' stigma that's thrown upon the likes of Carra and Dirk by you and the fucking Robinhood's of the world is absolute shite. How on God's earth would someone like Carragher have got to the absolute top of the game wihtout the ability to pass a ball effectively? Please tell me.

I'm not picking on you entirely Garteh, but I really fucking hate this 'Carra is a limited hoofer' tripe.
gareth has a point in that carra will opt for a longer ball more when someone doesnt come to collect it, however to suggest that it is a weakenss in his game is missing the point.

He's a centre back. If he has no pass in front of him he hs to look up & give it further cos the thing a centre back should do is allow himself to be closed down just outside his penalty box.

You're also missing Rafa's role in this. If no-one comes to collect it as Xabi did then Rafa needs to identify this & rectify it.

A centre back's role is not to bring the ball out of defence & start an attack, npo matter what thonts at Sky t. It's too defend. In fact, in trying to bring the ball out they are exposing their team needlessly.
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926892#msg926892 date=1250578412]
So to summarise all that, what you're basically saying is that because we've got no Alonso to take the ball off Carragher at centre-back, Carra's got nobody to bail him out and he's going to be left to flummox around, fuck up, and bear the brunt of the fans derision?


Fucking bollocks. This 'just because he's workmanlike = no skill' stigma that's thrown upon the likes of Carra and Dirk by you and the fucking Robinhood's of the world is absolute shite. How on God's earth would someone like Carragher have got to the absolute top of the game wihtout the ability to pass a ball effectively? Please tell me.

I'm not picking on you entirely Garteh, but I really fucking hate this 'Carra is a limited hoofer' tripe.

i hope he proves me wrong over the new few months but i think time will tell and its the perfect opportunity to prove me and all the other doubters wrong. I think he will have a lot more responsibility to get the ball moving around at pace and i truely hope he can do this.

i think he has been lucky in the fact that the other facets of his game have been so good that its easy to overlook his poor passing at times. Hyypia's passing was always excellent. He played the ball fast on the ground forward to our strikers better than anyone. Carra has had Gerrard, Hyypia and Alonso around him previously.. who all had superior passing skills to assist him to get out of trouble.. now when under pressure he will have Lucas who will be standing still and Mascherano who will be running full speed at him but is likely to pass it towards Carra's shoulders rather than his feet.

Should be an interesting few months to say the least.
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=35299.msg926895#msg926895 date=1250579369]
gareth has a point in that carra will opt for a longer ball more when someone doesnt come to collect it, however to suggest that it is a weakenss in his game is missing the point.

He's a centre back. If he has no pass in front of him he hs to look up & give it further cos the thing a centre back should do is allow himself to be closed down just outside his penalty box.

You're also missing Rafa's role in this. If no-one comes to collect it as Xabi did then Rafa needs to identify this & rectify it.

A centre back's role is not to bring the ball out of defence & start an attack, npo matter what thonts at Sky t. It's too defend. In fact, in trying to bring the ball out they are exposing their team needlessly.

i completely agree... I dont think this is CARRA's fault at all but unfortunately it is what is going to happen.. I dont think Lucas or Mascherano are capable of doing what RAFA wants in the centre of the park. i just think our attacking needs to start from somewhere and it most certainly isnt going to come from our current midfield duo. The player with the most time on the ball will be Carra.. And without the options in front of him he will play the long ball..
Rafa needs to fix this but if the players dont change their styles and Rafa doesnt intervene Carra will continue to start and end our attacks in a matter of seconds. The blame should be put on our midfielders for not giving Carra options but some players can create options with their passing and vision. CARRA is not one.
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926901#msg926901 date=1250579833]
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=35299.msg926895#msg926895 date=1250579369]
gareth has a point in that carra will opt for a longer ball more when someone doesnt come to collect it, however to suggest that it is a weakenss in his game is missing the point.

He's a centre back. If he has no pass in front of him he hs to look up & give it further cos the thing a centre back should do is allow himself to be closed down just outside his penalty box.

You're also missing Rafa's role in this. If no-one comes to collect it as Xabi did then Rafa needs to identify this & rectify it.

A centre back's role is not to bring the ball out of defence & start an attack, npo matter what thonts at Sky t. It's too defend. In fact, in trying to bring the ball out they are exposing their team needlessly.

i completely agree... I dont think this is CARRA's fault at all but unfortunately it is what is going to happen.. [/quote]

So, let me get this straight.

"Carra's days are numbered" but "it's not his fault".

Right. Good work there.
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926903#msg926903 date=1250579987]
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926901#msg926901 date=1250579833]
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=35299.msg926895#msg926895 date=1250579369]
gareth has a point in that carra will opt for a longer ball more when someone doesnt come to collect it, however to suggest that it is a weakenss in his game is missing the point.

He's a centre back. If he has no pass in front of him he hs to look up & give it further cos the thing a centre back should do is allow himself to be closed down just outside his penalty box.

You're also missing Rafa's role in this. If no-one comes to collect it as Xabi did then Rafa needs to identify this & rectify it.

A centre back's role is not to bring the ball out of defence & start an attack, npo matter what thonts at Sky t. It's too defend. In fact, in trying to bring the ball out they are exposing their team needlessly.

i completely agree... I dont think this is CARRA's fault at all but unfortunately it is what is going to happen.. [/quote]

So, let me get this straight.

"Carra's days are numbered" but "it's not his fault".

Right. Good work there.

Your discussion style is so incredibly offensive at times.

If you review the thread i started a discussion to see if Carra's days are numbered due to the current circumstances of the squad.. I dont recall saying CARRA IS shit.. drop him.

I think without a ball player in the midfield it will put more pressure on him to start attacks or at least keep the tempo. This might not be his fault but he wouldnt be the first person to be fired/sacked because their new collegues make them look bad.
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926907#msg926907 date=1250580345]
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926903#msg926903 date=1250579987]
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926901#msg926901 date=1250579833]
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=35299.msg926895#msg926895 date=1250579369]
gareth has a point in that carra will opt for a longer ball more when someone doesnt come to collect it, however to suggest that it is a weakenss in his game is missing the point.

He's a centre back. If he has no pass in front of him he hs to look up & give it further cos the thing a centre back should do is allow himself to be closed down just outside his penalty box.

You're also missing Rafa's role in this. If no-one comes to collect it as Xabi did then Rafa needs to identify this & rectify it.

A centre back's role is not to bring the ball out of defence & start an attack, npo matter what thonts at Sky t. It's too defend. In fact, in trying to bring the ball out they are exposing their team needlessly.

i completely agree... I dont think this is CARRA's fault at all but unfortunately it is what is going to happen.. [/quote]

So, let me get this straight.

"Carra's days are numbered" but "it's not his fault".

Right. Good work there.

Your discussion style is so incredibly offensive at times.

If you review the thread i started a discussion to see if Carra's days are numbered due to the current circumstances of the squad.. I dont recall saying CARRA IS shit.. drop him.

I think without a ball player in the midfield it will put more pressure on him to start attacks or at least keep the tempo. This might not be his fault but he wouldnt be the first person to be fired/sacked because their new collegues make them look bad.


It's not his responsibility to start attacks or "keep the tempo", as Jon has already pointed out to you.
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926909#msg926909 date=1250580514]
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926907#msg926907 date=1250580345]
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926903#msg926903 date=1250579987]
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926901#msg926901 date=1250579833]
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=35299.msg926895#msg926895 date=1250579369]
gareth has a point in that carra will opt for a longer ball more when someone doesnt come to collect it, however to suggest that it is a weakenss in his game is missing the point.

He's a centre back. If he has no pass in front of him he hs to look up & give it further cos the thing a centre back should do is allow himself to be closed down just outside his penalty box.

You're also missing Rafa's role in this. If no-one comes to collect it as Xabi did then Rafa needs to identify this & rectify it.

A centre back's role is not to bring the ball out of defence & start an attack, npo matter what thonts at Sky t. It's too defend. In fact, in trying to bring the ball out they are exposing their team needlessly.

i completely agree... I dont think this is CARRA's fault at all but unfortunately it is what is going to happen.. [/quote]

So, let me get this straight.

"Carra's days are numbered" but "it's not his fault".

Right. Good work there.

Your discussion style is so incredibly offensive at times.

If you review the thread i started a discussion to see if Carra's days are numbered due to the current circumstances of the squad.. I dont recall saying CARRA IS shit.. drop him.

I think without a ball player in the midfield it will put more pressure on him to start attacks or at least keep the tempo. This might not be his fault but he wouldnt be the first person to be fired/sacked because their new collegues make them look bad.


It's not his responsibility to start attacks or "keep the tempo", as Jon has already pointed out to you.

For fucks sake man...


but without someone in the middle of the park capable of starting attacks or keeping the tempo the responsibility to will fall to him like it or not. he will be the player with the most space and the ball will eventually find its way back to him. He doesnt have the ability to break open the opposition with his passing.. Its not his fault!!! Its our average midfield for not helping him by creating space. Lucas and Mascherano cannot dribble past players so they will pass it backwards under pressure..

You watch over the next few games and he will have the ball A LOT of the time and he will be forced to play it.. And he isnt capable of doing it at a consistantly high level. He will give the ball away a LOT and Carra's shite passing will be on display for all to see.
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926911#msg926911 date=1250580923]
He doesnt have the ability to break open the opposition with his passing.. Its not his fault!!! Its our average midfield for not helping him by creating space. Lucas and Mascherano cannot dribble past players so they will pass it backwards under pressure..

You watch over the next few games and he will have the ball A LOT of the time and he will be forced to play it.. And he isnt capable of doing it at a consistantly high level. He will give the ball away a LOT and Carra's shite passing will be on display for all to see.

Carra's passing is not shite.

Carra occasionally has played passes which create goals.

Carra doesn't have the ability to consistently open the opposition with his passing? Neither does Vidic, neither does Ferdinand, neither does any CB in the fucking league. That's probably why they are CBs and not attacking midfielders.

What I do want to talk about, who will definitely be exposed due to Alonso's loss, is Torres. Torres is shite at his defensive positioning. The fact that we no longer have a CM that is capable of intelligently regulating our possession is going to expose us to all sorts of counter attacks, and mean we have less of the ball in general. Torres will have to track back to do some defensive work, and he's shite at tackling, I mean really shite. It's not his fault, but it will be exposed in these circumstances, and you wouldn't believe how quickly everyone will turn on him.
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926862#msg926862 date=1250572104]

Does anyone think that his complete lack of ability with the ball at his feet will be even more obvious without Alonso in the team? [/quote]

It probably will.

Carra is a wonderful defender, but he was doing my head in on Sunday with his hoofing. I wish he'd stop.
[quote author=Farkmaster link=topic=35299.msg926913#msg926913 date=1250581228]
Torres is shite at his defensive positioning. [/quote]

As if it matters
[quote author=robinhood link=topic=35299.msg926915#msg926915 date=1250581312]
[quote author=Farkmaster link=topic=35299.msg926913#msg926913 date=1250581228]
Torres is shite at his defensive positioning. [/quote]

As if it matters

He wasn't being serious.
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926911#msg926911 date=1250580923]
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926909#msg926909 date=1250580514]
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926907#msg926907 date=1250580345]
[quote author=Ryan link=topic=35299.msg926903#msg926903 date=1250579987]
[quote author=gareth_thomas link=topic=35299.msg926901#msg926901 date=1250579833]
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=35299.msg926895#msg926895 date=1250579369]
gareth has a point in that carra will opt for a longer ball more when someone doesnt come to collect it, however to suggest that it is a weakenss in his game is missing the point.

He's a centre back. If he has no pass in front of him he hs to look up & give it further cos the thing a centre back should do is allow himself to be closed down just outside his penalty box.

You're also missing Rafa's role in this. If no-one comes to collect it as Xabi did then Rafa needs to identify this & rectify it.

A centre back's role is not to bring the ball out of defence & start an attack, npo matter what thonts at Sky t. It's too defend. In fact, in trying to bring the ball out they are exposing their team needlessly.

i completely agree... I dont think this is CARRA's fault at all but unfortunately it is what is going to happen.. [/quote]

So, let me get this straight.

"Carra's days are numbered" but "it's not his fault".

Right. Good work there.

Your discussion style is so incredibly offensive at times.

If you review the thread i started a discussion to see if Carra's days are numbered due to the current circumstances of the squad.. I dont recall saying CARRA IS shit.. drop him.

I think without a ball player in the midfield it will put more pressure on him to start attacks or at least keep the tempo. This might not be his fault but he wouldnt be the first person to be fired/sacked because their new collegues make them look bad.


It's not his responsibility to start attacks or "keep the tempo", as Jon has already pointed out to you.

For fucks sake man...


but without someone in the middle of the park capable of starting attacks or keeping the tempo the responsibility to will fall to him like it or not. he will be the player with the most space and the ball will eventually find its way back to him. He doesnt have the ability to break open the opposition with his passing.. Its not his fault!!! Its our average midfield for not helping him by creating space. Lucas and Mascherano cannot dribble past players so they will pass it backwards under pressure..

You watch over the next few games and he will have the ball A LOT of the time and he will be forced to play it.. And he isnt capable of doing it at a consistantly high level. He will give the ball away a LOT and Carra's shite passing will be on display for all to see.


Spot on (sadly). Carraghers passing isn´t very good and if he´s put under pressure, because our central midfielders doesn´t find the spaces where they can collect the ball, he will hoof it. And the fact that Lucas and Mascherano doens´t have the first touch that Alonso has will probably mean that our cb´s will hesitate giving them the ball. Last season Alonso collected the ball very nicely AND he could do it even under pressure (which he couldn´t the season(s) before. 07/08 we were very easy to read...it was just to put Alonso under pressure to sabotage our attacks, I´m afraid that our central line (cbs and cms) will be put under pressure this season which would mean that our fullbacks and wingers can´t push as high as Benitez wants. Just speculation of course.
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