Ah yes, wisconsin, where the court didn't allow postmarked ballots, so the entire democratic get out the vote effort discouraged mail voting, strongly? Yes, that is an exception. Now, we can't see what votes broke for what candidate, and significantly we can't see yet a good percentage for in person on the day voting, but what does that exact same fucking website tell you about voting percentages per party nationally? Oh. Yeah. It was stupid for me to make a correlation. How did mail ballots break by presidential candidate in the election we just saw? Wait, what? They trended democratic across the board, even in red counties?
I guess I was confused about my own lived experience too, as even though I live in a state that is essentially run by one party (to it's detriment) and is as blue as it can be, my towns in person day of votes showed a win for trump, as they were published immediately, then, trump lost in a landslide, predictably. Same as any number of other towns in new england, some of the most democrat favored areas in the us.
In places that dont tend to absentee vote, democrats took the option in far higher numbers.
Then you could look at any number of exit polls showing how trump voters perceived the risk of coronavirus.
It's what we've all seen with mask wearing too. Its the reason there was a red mirage and a blue shift. People were writing about how it would happen weeks ago.
We can do this state by state of you like , you'll find your crass stereotype doesn't live up to your seemingly clever explanation that the usual gobshites are lapping up.