I don't think the usa is going to vote for hunter after this, if it's all true.
Maybe dante is right, maybe a shiny object will titilate them and their moral outrage will drive them to the alternative, the guy who cheated on his wife while she was pregnant and paid a porn star a hundred thousand dollars from a slush fund. The guy that asked foreign powers to investigate his rivals.
Maybe they won't vote the guy out who never bothered coming up with any national response to a pandemic, because he can't pay attention to anything for longer than 2 days, and has no managerial ability. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.
But nothing in that stupid graph you've posted shows me anything. And, for someone who rails about the perversion of science constantly, your internet habit of going to Imright.com and posting whatever dumb shit pops up is odd. In this case, you've found a nice way of introducing the concept of correlation vs causation to a 12 year old. And it's from a tool sophisticated enough to competently establish behavior, too, if used properly.
Right now very few people are talking about hunter biden emails outside of a group of voters that were already going to vote for him. And, unless that changes, what you need to look at is whether it alters voter enthusiasm. Indeed, in general that's what you need to look at with trump, who mostly campaigns to his base.
Right now, oddly most people seem to be focused on the very thing that trump tries to move on from constantly; coronavirus. It continues to spread in his administration, who don't take recommended steps to stop it. Trump caught it after endangering others by lack of compliance and inadequate testing, and was hospitalized. He models the worst behavior. And now the us and much of the western world is skyrocketing to record case numbers. Meanwhile mark meadows is out there saying the quiet part out loud, that they aren't attempting to control the pandemic, which is what we've seen, a total abdication in the hope of political gain. For some odd reason that thing everyone thinks about all the fucking time, the reason I won't have seen my 80 year old parents for a year, that's quite important to people right now. And the vast majority of people no matter his sales, no matter his pitches, know he has done a horrible job.
Oh I'm more than happy to shit upon correlation, even more so when there is causation. In that case you're just a cunt for choosing to "study" the correlation as a stupid indirect way to excuse yourself from having to do some actual studying of the causation itself.
On that point, the causation between who the president is and the welfare of the citizens breaks down as follows:
How polite they are - none
Their views on race - none
Their corruption - none
Their history of abusing young girls - none
Their statesmen like demeanour - none
Their relationships with other world leaders - none
Their haircut - none
Their habit of lying - none
Their insults and abuse of enemies - none
Their embarrassingly bad tan - none
Their paedophile son - none
Their association with Epstein - none
Their tax bills - none
Their delusional attempt to control a pandemic by taking x/y/z action early, late or never, whenever - none
Their failure to take the pandemic seriously and downplay it in the media - none
Their policy of reducing the trade deficit with china - highly positive
Their policy of lower taxes and regulations - highly positive
Their policy to transition the energy industry into oblivion - highly negative
Their policy to tax everything you earn - highly negative