Sarah Lucas ?
I think that this picture is a NSFW one and it against the rules to post it without a spoiler and it add nothing to the discussion about balancing our midfield. If you and others want to keep destroying the thread then I can't stop you doing it. I want to discuss our midfield. Not shit posts.
This clip add nothing to the discussion. It don't show any strenghts or weaknesses of Lucas.
If you want to post in this thread then please post something that actually add something to the discussion. If you don't are interested in doing that then you should fuck off from this thread.
We all dream of a forum full of Arns
A forum full of Arns
A forum full of Arns
Why don't you ask Woland?
Sounds great.
Sorry Arn, I just had to.
I think the point is ARN.. and its a message people are trying to get to you..
Lucas has been done to death, there is nothing much else worth discussing.. Bang on a different drum..
Once Lucas is mentioned, it becomes the death of a thread..
The 'childish pictures' as you so put it, is just adding humour to the situation..
You should of started posting here during Daglish's 2nd era.. Lucas was some sort of Wonderman back than, you would of been able to fill your boots..
But when you see how refreshing it is to have a Ball playing defensive midfielder in the team like Can the other night, you learn to realise just how much Lucas will not fit into Klopps system and how bang average Lucas actually is...
How about Joe Allen.. ??
Do you like Rafa, Arn?
How do you do it? I don't think we can have Milner and Henderson playing at the same time. I definitely think we need DM but what else?
Lucas is not really going to be part of the future either.Rafael Benitez was one of our all time great managers but he is a part of our past, not the future.
Lucas is not really going to be part of the future either.
Get in on the Moreno argument. He's hotly tipped to be the new massively divisive player. Pick your side now and attack/defend him to the death.