Here is me sounding like a paranoid twat but haven't they had the rub of the green for some time? The media loves them, The refs love them. The big decisions seem to go their way A LOT. What was it Paulo Di Canio said all those years ago? He wasn't wrong. I would be curious to see some stats on penalty decisions or big decisions (Sendings off etc) given in Utds favour at Old Trafford or any ground to be fair. If anyone wants to make a cheeky punt on yellow cards given to Utds opposition defenders in the first 20 mins of a game - You could do a lot worse.
Anyway it has to be said - Young dived for the second week running. You can be sure that there will no real media backlash at all. The media offers some 'glitter' to quell the conspiracy theorists - Rooney's vice shame, Ferdinands Drug test miss, etc from time to time but it soon dies away.
I wonder if Liverpool enjoyed the same media favours in the 80s?