Don't think it is he seems to have reasons to grind the axe, this is the northeast sundaysun by the way.
Andy Carroll ex-agent needs cut of £35m sale
Oct 23 2011 by Rob Pattinson, Sunday Sun
ANDY Carroll’s ex-agent was relying on commission from the striker’s £35m move to Liverpool to beat bankruptcy, the Sunday Sun can reveal.
North agent Peter Harrison wanted a cut from the huge cash deal to pay off £1.9m he owed.
The debt could still see him declared broke after it was confirmed he came away from showdown talks with the player and FA earlier this year without a penny.
The claim emerged in the High Court amid Harrison’s ongoing legal row with former Toon boss and Sunderland defender Sam Allardyce.
The court heard Harrison, who also used to represent Brazilian star Rivaldo, told his creditors he would be able to pay them back when he got the commission he believed he was owed from Carroll’s record-breaking sale.
But after coming away empty-handed from an FA arbitration hearing, Harrison is now trying to reach an agreement with his creditors.
Negotiations are understood to be on-going with Allardyce, who is just one of a list of big names the agent owes cash to.
Harrison was not in court over fears “extreme anxiety” could trigger a dangerous heart condition he has held since he played professionally in Belgium. However, his wife Wendy appeared on his behalf.
Harrison has been ordered to hand over documents to Allardyce, detailing his earnings. West Ham manager Allardyce is petitioning Harrison’s bankruptcy to get hold of £370,000 he is owed by the agent and his business partner.
At a hearing this week Harrison tried to overturn a County Court judge’s decision, ordering him to show details of his finances to everyone he owes cash to.
The bid was turned down, although only Allardyce’s lawyers will get to see the details.
In the High Court his honour Judge John Behrens said Allardyce’s legal team had been right to question Harrison’s ability to repay the money he owes.
At an earlier insolvency hearing Harrison told a court he had no prospects for earning.
Judge Behrens said: “Mr Harrison indicated that he was going to propose an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) and assured all creditors would be paid in full.
“He said he was involved in an arbitration with a footballer called Andy Carroll.
“He anticipated receiving a significant sum of money which would have allowed him to pay his creditors in full.
“Mr Allardyce is not the only creditor. According to figures put before me he is under a 25% creditor, but significant.”
The judge refused Harrison’s application to block the revelation of his financial affairs, stating it had been within County Court judge Bullock’s powers to grant the order.
The order was upheld because it had been made in the interests of being fair to both parties.
The full facts of Allardyce and Harrison’s long-running debt feud - previously exclusively reported by the Sunday Sun - were also revealed in court.
The debt stems from 2005 when Allardyce loaned £300,00 to Harrison and one of the players he represented - ex-Australia captain and Blackburn defender Lucas Neill.
The pair agreed to pay back £600,000 in total, so they had enough cash to buy rundown Laverick Hall Farm, on the A184, Newcastle Road.
Planning records show the pair planned to convert the property into a development of 14 stylish new homes, but the buildings still sit derelict.
In 2009 a court ordered Harrison and Neill to pay back £752,000 to Allardyce - the original £600,000 total with interest.
Harrison now claims he has paid back the sum he originally borrowed from Allardyce and now owes a significantly lower sum. During an FA arbitration hearing Harrison claimed rival agent Mark Curtis had ‘tapped-up’ Carroll, convincing the striker to switch to his books just before he became England’s most expensive ever player.
Curtis always denied the claims, and an FA arbitration hearing found in his favour earlier this year.
Harrison is now attempting to agree an IVA, which could stop his bankruptcy being pushed through.
If creditors, accounting for at least 75% of his total debts agree, he can be given another chance to repay them. Harrison will pay 28.5p in each £1 back.
Former Blyth Spartans manager Harrison last month claimed to lift the lid on the dodgy dealings and bung culture in British football.
The man who made millions from the came said he had turned whistleblower after walking away from the sport.
Under current rules, Harrison will be banned from operating as a football agent if he is declared bankrupt.
Harrison said: “I’m doing this in the interests of the game.”
Lucas Neill, who was released by Turkish club Galatasary at the end of last season, was unavailable for comment.
During his career Allardyce was signed for Sunderland by Ken Knighton as a centre-back and went on to play for the Wearsiders 25 times during the 1980-81 season.
He anticipated receiving a significant sum of money which would have allowed him to pay his creditors in full