The slowest Liverpool player you've ever seen

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The expression 'lack of pace' just doesn't encapsulate his immobility.

He wasn't actually that slow or immobile when he first arrived. He was also, amazingly, thin. But who the feck cares about his lack of pace? He didn't NEED pace. That's different to the likes of Josemi, who needed it but didn't have it. Molby didn't need pace. Like God doesn't need friends in high places. He controlled the game. He could probably control a game even now, Watch him in a legends game - he can actually think, see and pass. It's really handy.
The slowness issue has become one of the foggiest topics in modern football, as the average punter seems to think that everyone slower than Usain Bolt 'lacks pace'.

A more interesting subject IMHO is: which players aren't/weren't anywhere near as fast as they were said to be? In this context, Cisse and Babel figure high on my list - both arrived as supposedly lightning fast attacking players and I rarely saw either really leave a defender behind them.
Ha. That reminds me of the story I've often told here, when me & my mates were about 13 & bang into footy, obsessively so, we'd been watching this defender (name escapes me) for Newcastle all season, slagging him off (can't play, can't pass, worse than a Sunday league player etc etc).

We go to alton towers in the summer & he's doing this lucozade peno game promotional thing. We stood, open mouthed as this 'shite no hope worse than a Sunday league plodder' proceeded to trap the ball with ease, knock it in the net from almost every angle conceivable & show such ease with the ball that it looked like he'd been born with it at his feet.

And this was a (relatively) shit premiership defender.

It's all relative. So many premiership players have pace similar to Olympic sprinters that anyone slower gets branded as slow.
I don't think any Premiership footballers are close to Olympic standard.

Partly because of the training and because of they wouldn't be taking the same drugs
I don't think any Premiership footballers are close to Olympic standard.

Partly because of the training and because of they wouldn't be taking the same drugs
I knew someone would chime in with that. You get the idea, I can't be arsed with a glock style 100m times thread.
Well here's the difference Bolt hits 44km an hour.

The quickest in the Premiership is Valencia who hit 35km an hour.

So he's 25% quicker.

That said straight line speed isn't really the key to anything in football.

But it adds to the point we both made about how footballers are trained.
Who's the player whose pace had the biggest impact for us? Digger, I guess, is the most likely option, but I'd say Rosenthal in terms of actual, immediate, impact. We were really looking lethargic as we struggled to win the title when Kenny signed him on loan - I don't think anyone knew who the hell he was - and his presence was vital for clinching the league that season. It was pure speed and unpredictability that did it - defenders panicked, chances were created and our attackers got a new burst of energy. Pity he was a bit stupid, but all the same, that loan signing that season was absolutely inspired. (And that's another reason why I hope, if they don't go on loan, we give Kent and Wilson the chance to come on late in the odd game - never underestimate the impact a player of pace - especially a relatively unknown one - can have on a tiring defence.)
Who's the player whose pace had the biggest impact for us? Digger, I guess, is the most likely option, but I'd say Rosenthal in terms of actual, immediate, impact. We were really looking lethargic as we struggled to win the title when Kenny signed him on loan - I don't think anyone knew who the hell he was - and his presence was vital for clinching the league that season. It was pure speed and unpredictability that did it - defenders panicked, chances were created and our attackers got a new burst of energy. Pity he was a bit stupid, but all the same, that loan signing that season was absolutely inspired. (And that's another reason why I hope, if they don't go on loan, we give Kent and Wilson the chance to come on late in the odd game - never underestimate the impact a player of pace - especially a relatively unknown one - can have on a tiring defence.)

Owen when he first came through had blistering acceleration over 20 yards that just ripped defences apart, it had a huge impact for us and was able to change the way we played
True. I actually didn't think about him, that's how effectively I'd wiped him from my memory!!

Just looking at Rosenthal's first goals for us (Suarez-like control for the first one - where the heck did THAT go in his later career?) The thing that made me most nostalgic though was the pace and simple precision of our attacks - no backwards passing. If it was us now we'd still be see-sawing the ball between the midfield and the back four as if it was fecking clever!

The thing about Molby was that if he got angry he could and did actually quicken up. In one of the Merseyside Cup Finals we went a goal down to the blueslime (Lineker scored it) and were being bypassed all over the pitch when Peter Reid made the crucial mistake of kicking big Jan, who promptly woke up and dominated midfield from then on, actually covering a few yards in the process and giving one of the most imperious individual performances I can remember seeing in a Cup Final. Even a tank can work up speed if you push the right gear levers.
Fastest top speed in the Premiership is Walcott at 35,7 and the fastest in the World is Robben at 37,1 in the World cup.
Reading about Bolts 9,58 sec race just made it even more impressive.
The fastest footballer that has been tested at the 100 meters was an American that ran it on 10,39 according to that article.

There are plenty of speed merchants out there but if you dont have the technique to back it up it wont give you that much of an advantage.
I'd say the first meters of quick acceleration is more important. Messi being the best example.
That is also one of Sterlings strenghts, the cunt.
Xabi Alonso for me - although he made up for his lack of pace with his other attributes.

If there's one player who reminds me of Xabi's pace it's Illarmendi! So fucking slow.
True. I actually didn't think about him, that's how effectively I'd wiped him from my memory!!

Just looking at Rosenthal's first goals for us (Suarez-like control for the first one - where the heck did THAT go in his later career?) The thing that made me most nostalgic though was the pace and simple precision of our attacks - no backwards passing. If it was us now we'd still be see-sawing the ball between the midfield and the back four as if it was fecking clever!

Couple of things from that video:

Firstly - the state of that pitch.

Secondly - Digger's cross for the third goal is immaculate. Especially when you see it again in slow motion, and the ball bobbles up just before he crosses, and he's still able to put that ball perfectly on Ronnie's head.
Most of the worst cases have been covered.

Albert Riera is another who was pretty slow but more than that I remember him being very one paced, there were no sprints and jogs, it was just running slowly or walking.
True. I actually didn't think about him, that's how effectively I'd wiped him from my memory!!

Just looking at Rosenthal's first goals for us (Suarez-like control for the first one - where the heck did THAT go in his later career?) The thing that made me most nostalgic though was the pace and simple precision of our attacks - no backwards passing. If it was us now we'd still be see-sawing the ball between the midfield and the back four as if it was fecking clever!

I was at that game. Still very clear in my mind. Open terrace in those days.
Can isn't slow. He's like Yaya, takes a while to hit his stride, but at top speed he's very quick.

That tends to be a feature of players with a certain physique, Viera was similar, not much acceleration but once he gathered some momentum he covered the ground pretty quickly. I wouldnt say Can is slow either, he just doesnt have a burst of acceleration, but Id imagine over 100m hes quicker than Lucas or Henderson
That tends to be a feature of players with a certain physique, Viera was similar, not much acceleration but once he gathered some momentum he covered the ground pretty quickly. I wouldnt say Can is slow either, he just doesnt have a burst of acceleration, but Id imagine over 100m hes quicker than Lucas or Henderson

Stam was the same, quick after the first ten yards but vulnerable during those first ten. It's why Owen made a monkey out of him more than once when we played them (and why Baros did for Czechoslovakia against Holland at the Euros).
Dossena - In all my days I've never seen such a slow, immobile sack of shite. He is easily the worst player I've seen in a red shirt.
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