The 'Keep SCM Alive' Thread 2016

Thrown in what I can.

Moving to Manchester at the moment (yup, vile) so a bit skint this month.

Again, thanks for all the effort you've put in over the years. Much appreciated.
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A few big donations in the last couple of hours, from anonymous, Ryan & Moron, have pushed us over the initial target!

Fantastic, thank you all so much, no matter how much you donated. It proves that us admin have gotten some decisions right anyway! It also proves what a close knit site this is.

We'll leave the donations system open a while longer I think, cos any money over will just mean it'll be longer before we have to ask for donations again!
Biggest donator can have my mod post

Thats a cast iron guarantee*

*not a guarantee
Nope, yours showed up loud & proud with your name attached Portly my friend, much appreciated it is too.

Did mine show up?

Simple y/n.

This may be embarrassing for my future unofficial tech role if I can't even get PayPal working. Although I may have made it anonymous or something.

Fuck's sake.
I'll donate if I can figure out how to reactivate my Paypal account. Any other options of paying?
I've been on this forum for 10 years and made just two donations. Compared to the efforts that the founders, maintainers, mods and frequent posters make I think it only fair. I'm regularly entertained by the great, the good and the halfwits 🙂 Long may it continue!

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I'll donate if I can figure out how to reactivate my Paypal account. Any other options of paying?
I'm just after trying to do that, it was too much of a hassle so I ended up signing up for another one. I got to a stage where they were going to ring me with an automated message, but the number was the one I had when I was studying in the states!
I'll donate on Friday as well. Payday innit.

Don't make Oncy a mod lads, ha. I know this place basically self moderates itself most of the time but Oncy is wasted as a poster if he has moderator duties. Ya gotta let that peacock fly.
I'll donate on Friday as well. Payday innit.

Don't make Oncy a mod lads, ha. I know this place basically self moderates itself most of the time but Oncy is wasted as a poster if he has moderator duties. Ya gotta let that peacock fly.

Yeah, as soon as he gets tied down with Mod duties he'll turn into a boring automaton, scared of having any strong or negative opinions, playing nicely at times but ruthlessly enforcing the Forum rules, LIKE ALL THE REST OF THEM.
Yeah, as soon as he gets tied down with Mod duties he'll turn into a boring automaton, scared of having any strong or negative opinions, playing nicely at times but ruthlessly enforcing the Forum rules, LIKE ALL THE REST OF THEM.
I'm a bit strapped meself but I'll donate something later.

Thanks Jono for keeping the place going. Met some mental cunts over the last 7 years on SCM, and it's been mostly fun times.
What back end tech does the site use out of curiosity?
We use cloud hostng solution

Dual core Processor with 2gb ram running some legacy custom Linux os

Sadly the Linux distribution is so old it no longer supports recent versions of PHP, which xenforo 2.0 release will require a minimum of PHP 5.3.. We are on 5.2.11

So I have the task in creating a new server with a more recent Linux server and migrating the forums..

Pain in the arse [emoji16], but I will find the time at some point to do it..
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