For some unknown reason, after all these years, I STILL find it utterly ludicrous how quickly this place goes into complete f#$@ing meltdown, over two poor performances, having just witnessed the best start to the season that anybody, in all of Europe has had. We expected to be battling for 4th place when the season began, but suddenly it's "Fuck 'em all! Everything is rotten!", because we're only 6 points (potentially 9) clear at the top of the league and we've lost the first leg of the sodding Milk Cup semi-final.
This place is absolutely f#$%ing MENTAL.
Where is the meltdown? I'm not sure what you're referring to.
If you are referring to the concern over our recent performances, I'll just leave this here:
This is the seventh time - equal with Manchester United - that Liverpool have been No 1 since 1992, but with only one title won from the previous six occasions.