Think he wants to break free
It doesnt SUGGEST anything. You choose to see what you want to.
I assumed that talking about diving/cheating etc would have been clear that i was talking about on the football pitch and not as a family man.
Maybe youre just not very bright.
Well it is Thursday.Well you've clearly got a stick shoved up your arse today.
Of course the press dont victimise Luis. How could anyone think that?
I still wish he would stop talking about it and talk through his football
I dont need to read it again. Im not talking about what Suarez is saying. Im talking about the outpouring on here BECAUSE its the national the article again - suarez has no problem with booing him, but like most of us, he thinks it goes a bit too far when they have to boo during the national anthem ...
I dont think the cheating itself is being discussed Vlad. Simply the right a cheat has to be hurt by booin after the fact?I don't see what the big issue is with diving, its part and parcelbof the game. I would rather it didn't happen, but most of the rest if the world do, even a few if our local hero's have had the occasional flutter. Didi was the worlds worst, but as he did it in a different area if the pitch, and in a faintly comedic way he got away with it.
Suarez is our best player by a fucking mile, and for that I forgive him any indiscretions, as I have with any Liverpool player.
I almost admire people taking the high moral ground , but I can't, it's Liverpool first and foremost.
I dont need to read it again. Im not talking about what Suarez is saying. Im talking about the outpouring on here BECAUSE its the national anthem.
That is NOT why fans where booing him. So the fact that his image was on screen during the national anthem is by the by.
If it was during a veterans parade for the fallen of WW2 they STILL would have boo'd his image large on a screen.
Its got NOTHING to do with the National Anthem.
Not that the English are known for respecting anthems or anything. They arent. But to sit here now and suggest that its distasteful that these particular fans on this day were booing this national anthem is fantasy. Because they werent.
Only you could turn this completely unrelated story into another 'press' issue.
Sky made up the big bang too did they?
But youre a nationalist. You would be THIS affronted by it.It wasn't directed at you Andy -
But to me, it just seems like excuses. You can boo all you like (I've not said anything against the treatment Suarez got in the three games), but put aside your 'lungs' for those 69 seconds of their national anthem. You can bet all those 11 players were insulted etc - b/c that's what it seems like to them. It's irrelevant what YOU think, that's what every fucking person watching the tele thinks if they don't know anything about Suarez's history with Evra. Those fans who booed, all of them, had no class whatsoever - sorry, no excuses will do for me. Shut up during the national anthem and be quiet (not direct at you, just a general statement)
(I don't remember any other cheats, like Drogba for example, getting this kinda of treatment - it's amazing how much hatred this wee lad has generated in England).
But youre a nationalist. You would be THIS affronted by it.
I think nationalism is fucking pathetic and i dont give a fuck if someone curls out a turd during 'my' national anthem.
Thats by the by though. I couldnt give an honest fuck what anyone thinks about the bahavior of whichever mongs decided to boo a man because they dont like him. Its all too tragic for me to even spend any more time thinking about.
But people will think its because of the national anthem!!
Old fashioned arent the words id use to describe a person who is offended by someone booing their national anthem.It's part of 'sports culture' to boo during games, so that's part and parcel of the game. But I view the national anthem bit as a respect. Even if you disagree with the idea, or nationalism or whatever, you would show respect. That's part of being a human being. Respect people in spite of their differences. You've insulted the whole team, and probably most of Uruguay too. "Oh who cares blah blah" ... Yah, who cares about it. Call me old fashioned, call me whatever - but to me it's just common decency
Old fashioned arent the words id use to describe a person who is offended by someone booing their national anthem.
And its not that I dont give a fuck about national pride mate, its that i really REALLY dont give a fuck.
I dont know what you mean blud.What's up with all the recent bitchiness Oncy?
I wouldnt boo anyone for anything because its tragic and sad and life isnt a fucking pantomime.
But its not respect for someones missplaced national pride that prevents me, its that im not a fucking simpleton or a child.
And its not respect for the beliefs in Bahrain that would stop me drinking its the police and prison terms.
I couldnt give a fuck for outdated political or religious or nationalist beliefs.
I wouldnt boo anyone for anything because its tragic and sad and life isnt a fucking pantomime.
But its not respect for someones missplaced national pride that prevents me, its that im not a fucking simpleton or a child.
I disagree. They just dont like Suarez.I think you undersell yourself there Oncy. I reckon you wouldnt boo anyone because you are a decent person who respects his fellow humans. You may not realise that but if you reflect on it you will see that Im right.
The people booing last night have respect for nothing
Suarez has got such a goofy Duane Dibley-stylee groove going on he ought to be very popular. He's not an obvious hate magnet like the preening and brilliantined Ronaldo. Someone ought to be able to rebuild his image in the mid-term.
I think you selected the wrong post to try to crowbar that drivel onto.For creatures who possess empathy you do make some shitty assumptions. Suarez has been unjustly fucked, violated and humiliated. The British public and media who took part in that fucking are in his eyes despicable and may as well be dead. So he must feel vindicated when they boo him as it just confirms they are on opposite sides... which is exactly where you'd want to be when you think they're all a bunch of self-righteous cunts.
For creatures who possess empathy you do make some shitty assumptions. Suarez has been unjustly fucked, violated and humiliated. The British public and media who took part in that fucking are in his eyes despicable and may as well be dead. So he must feel vindicated when they boo him as it just confirms they are on opposite sides... which is exactly where you'd want to be when you think they're all a bunch of self-righteous cunts.
I think you selected the wrong post to try to crowbar that drivel onto.
It bares no relation to the original post.